Sunday 6 October 2024




                        ‘If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land’

Isaiah 1:19 (NKJV).


Professor Nkwantabisa: Dr. Basabasa, what national issues are trending in Ghana?

Dr. Basabasa: Prof., they are too many. They range from actual to potential demonstrations and strikes, illegal mining (‘galamsey’), political hymnals in connection with the 2024 general election, political roads and other constructions, and of course the dry IMF economy and its ugly impact on businesses and Ghanaians. I nearly forgot of the issues concerning erratic power supply in some parts of the country and the agitations within the energy sector.

Opanin Wisdom: I think the value of the issues you have outlined is the same- unwillingness and lawlessness!

Dr. Basabasa: Opanin, what do you mean by their value is the same? Those on strike or demonstrating or threatening to demonstrate or strike are acting for different reasons. The politicians and their political parties are singing different hymns although some of the songs are similar. The galamsey menace is being discussed from different angles. As for the political constructions, energy sector issues and the dry IMF economy; they have common threads.

Professor Nkwantabisa: Perhaps we should rather ask Opanin Wisdom to explain what he meant by unwillingness and lawlessness?

Opanin Wisdom: All the issues enumerated come down to unwillingness and lawlessness. The demands of the various labour unions and the recent demands by Organised Labour on galamsey are not new. The demands of both the real and political demonstrators are also not new. In fact, all the demands are the same. The various demands and all the other issues Dr. Basabasa have enumerated demonstrate our unwillingness to do the needful which eventually breeds lawlessness and impunity. It seems to me that a number of our political leaders are both reactive and pretentious in their actions and inactions. The root cause of most of the issues outlined is the lack of commitment and fidelity on the part of especially our political actors and leaders. How many times haven’t successive Governments failed to carryout assurances made to several labour groups? Would we be talking about the adverse impact of galamsey today if our former and current Presidents willingly committed themselves to fight galamsey? Our unwillingness to timely approach IMF in 2022 has, for example, caused our nation unthinkable fortunes and sorrows.

Dr. Basabasa: I now understand your earlier statement. I have been wondering why so many roads are either being constructed or being parched in this year in Ghana. Why are we now rushing to do the needful because of elections? I now get the sense that it is a sign of unwillingness. Could it also be vote buying?

Professor Nkwantabisa: Dishonest politicians, just like the devil, have no new tricks. They rather implement the same tricks differently depending on the context and personalities involved. Have you forgotten of the construction and inauguration of Kejatia Dubai and the Kwame Nkrumah Interchange? Dishonest politicians are the same except that they belong to different political parties.

Opanin Wisdom: Motives are always important. Do not be deceived by what people do or say, even if they are good. What is their motive? Motive is everything. Wrong motives eventually destroy good deeds. Great nations are not built on political roads, political loans, political transactions, political promises and political speeches. What is the state of the political roads constructed in Ghana within the last decade?

Professor Nkwantabisa: We know the solutions to the challenges bedeviling our nation. The problem is that we are not willing to implement those solutions mainly due to greedy and selfish political decisions. Recent examples of this fact include the failure to implement the recommendations of the Constitutional Review Commission of Ghana since 2011, the fight against galamsey and the drama surrounding the Antigay Bill.

Dr. Basabasa: Another major problem is that we are not ready to obey or submit to our laws, values and principles as a nation. The exceptions have become the norms and the norms have become the exceptions. This attitude has entrenched lawlessness, corruption, abuse of power and impunity in our nation.

Opanin Wisdom: We can only benefit from the many good things in Ghana if we are willing and obedient. Great nations are built on the willingness to do the right things in the right way and at the right time, no matter the cost. The right willingness should spring from leaders first and then the citizenry. Leaders should be ready and willing to enforce relevant laws to ensure that all persons in Ghana align with the vision and goals of our great nation.

Dr. Basabasa: The unwillingness on the part of leadership should not be the end of the matter. Where there is a will there is a way. We the citizenry should therefore be willing if our leaders are unwilling. Our collective interests are superior to political interests. Why are we wasting precious time discussing galamsey because of the unwillingness of some disappointed and uncaring leaders? If our political and traditional leaders are not willing because of some level of their complicity and greediness, what about the non-political actors in our nation? Ghana is a nation, not a political party nor a traditional dynasty. It is high time we put partisan politics aside and fight for the destiny of this nation. I am willing.

Opanin Wisdom: I am also willing.

Professor Nkwantabisa: I am equally willing. And I commend the Media Coalition of Ghana for their consistent willingness.

Dr. Basabasa: Is Oraganised Labour truly willing? Is the Church willing? What about the CSOs, religious bodies, professional bodies, private sector and public institutions?

Opanin Wisdom: Indeed, silence is golden but there comes a time when silence and inactions are signs of betrayal, disloyalty and wickedness.

Richard Obeng Mensah, author of If You Think of Your Opposition You Lose Your Position. The writer is an award-winning prolific author of 8 books and over 250 write-ups on legal and non-legal themes. The writer is also a fellow of the Brew- Hammond Energy Centre, KNUST, Kumasi. He is also a pastor, lawyer, law lecturer, certified life and leadership coach, and a blogger.


Mobile: +233 (0)246 556 774.


Publication History

Authored on 04/10/2024 and published on 05/10/2024 MyJoyOnline and on the author’s blog on 06/10/2024.


The writer appreciates the critiques and valuable comments of his Editorial Team to this write-up. He however holds the sole responsibility for the content of this write- up.

Tuesday 16 July 2024



We cannot just continue to think that there is enough land out there, that there’s enough water and forest and wetlands to destroy, to respond to our insatiable greed, so to speak, for food and fibre and animal feed. Business as usual is not an option’ – Ibrahim Thiaw.

Professor Nkwantabisa: Dr. Basabasa and Opanin Wisdom, I bring you warm greetings from Nairobi, Kenya. 

Dr. Basabasa: Happy to see you Prof. I thank God for the travel mercies to a number of African countries. I am also happy that you are sound and safe.

Opanin Wisdom: I recall you saying in our recent phone conversation that you happened to be at the scene of the recent protest in Kenya. Hmm, your arrival in Ghana has also coincided with the announced date for the nationwide strike by Organised Labour in Ghana against the sale of some SSNIT hotels. It appears a wind of revival has started blowing. I am happy to know that the President of Kenya has responded positively to the protest and started implementing wise decisions.  The decision of the Organised Labour is now forcing some of our political actors and institutions to respond positively. 

Dr. Basabasa: Prof., you can see we are sitting under this mango tree. We have been doing so in recent times because there is so much heat in our bedrooms, offices, and pockets. We need the fresh air from nature. I am for the wind of positive revivals that have started blowing. Our political leaders should be reminded over and over that ultimate human power belongs to the people.

Professor Nkwantabisa: Your reflections this afternoon brings to my mind a question a number of people have been asking me. Repeatably, I have been confronted with the question about who to vote for in Ghana’s upcoming general election in December 2024.

Opanin Wisdom: I have also been confronted with that question over and over. Over the years, we seem to have been voting for political colours and symbols without objectively judging the performances and conducts of our political actors. The elephant has failed to demonstrate that it is big enough to satisfy the real needs of the people.  It seems to be rather swallowing what belongs to the suffering masses. The umbrella does not appear to have what it takes to provide enough shelter against the ongoing rainstorm.  If the elephant and the umbrella are being perceived as disappointing and untrustworthy, can salvation come from a butterfly or facemask?

Dr. Basabasa: Butterfly? Mask? I do not think they are credible alternatives.

Professor Nkwantabisa: Sometimes, salvation comes from sources that are usually despised.

Opanin Wisdom:  Prof., I agree with you. My challenge however is about whether we need a mask in heat or dark movements. Would there have been the butterfly movement if its founders have had the opportunity to lead the elephant?

Professor Nkwantabisa: We then have only two obvious options.

Opanin Wisdom: That would have been the case if this election is going to be business as usual. I however do not think the 2024 election should be business as usual.

Dr. Basabasa: What then are the other options because I am struggling with the choice between the elephant and the umbrella.

Opanin Wisdom: Dr., please do not be too hard on yourself. Voting is indeed a right; not a privilege. You can choose to exercise a right or not. Voting should not be by compulsion but by sound decision. Will you employ a corrupt and dishonest manager to manage your business? Life always offers us many options. The problem is that we are usually too fixated with the choices that mostly appeal to our emotions and biases, even if we know that those choices are bad. Why do you want to endorse impunity or disrespect? Do you want to sacrifice principles of accountability? Why are you tolerating greed, mediocre, state capture, lies and political trading?

Dr. Basabasa: Of course, vote of no confidence is also an option. Apathy is another. It seems to me that we keep on allowing some of our political leaders to consistently take as for a ride. I will not allow myself to be deceived again by election roads, election freebies, political loans and political talks. Populist, tribal, religious and deceptive politics have landed our nation in a ditch. We need to arise and save the destiny of this nation. We need to fight the good fight. We need to speak up and act when it matters most. 

Professor Nkwantabisa: We need to rethink our voting patterns since the inception of the Fourth Republic. We need to demonstrate to our political leaders that we can no longer afford to allow them to substitute transformational leadership with mere political leadership. I am deeply burdened to pray for the destiny of this nation because it cannot be business as usual. May the good Lord hear our prayers and guide us to make sound choices that will turnaround the dwindling fortunes of our great nation. May He also empower us to muster the necessary courage to challenge the status quo and force the hands of some unreasonable or greedy leaders to do the needful. May He help us to safeguard posterity. 

Opanin Wisdom: Beyond prayers, we need to act decisively; speak up; and participate in the decision making processes of this nation. We cannot afford to keep on sitting on the fence. We cannot afford to leave the destiny of Ghana in the hands of mere political leaders. Ghana’s 2024 general election cannot be business as usual. We cannot also vote as business as usual.  I agree with Ibrahim Thiaw that business as usual is not an option.

Richard Obeng Mensah, author  of If You Think of Your Opposition You Lose Your Position. The writer is an award-winning prolific author of 8 books and over 250 articles on legal and non-legal themes. The writer is also a fellow of the Brew-Hammond Energy Centre, KNUST, Kumasi. He is also a pastor, lawyer, law lecturer, certified life and leadership coach, and a blogger.


Mobile: +233 (0)246 556 774.


Publication History

Authored on  13/07/2024 and published on 16/07/2024 on the author’s blog and other social media platforms.


The writer appreciates the critiques and valuable comments of his Editorial Team to this write-up. e however holds the sole responsibility for the content of this write-up. 


Ecogreenlove, ‘Business as usual [quote]’ >< Accessed 13 July 2024.

Thursday 21 March 2024



Do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others - Philippians 2:4 (AMP).

Democracy has been defined severally. The concept may mean different things in different contexts. For instance, the meaning of democracy will differ if one focuses on the procedures of governance as against the focus of the concept on goals of democratic government. Nonetheless, one of the most popular definitions of the concept is the one rendered by Abraham Lincoln. The revered US Statesman defines democracy as ‘a system of government of the people, by the people and for the people’. Abraham Lincoln’s definition of democracy implies that democracy in all forms should be people-centred. In this piece, the use of the concept of democracy implies upholding public interests above personal interests in democratic governance.

Ghana is a democratic nation. The country has been practicing constitutional democracy since it attained republican status in 1960. Despite the chequered nature of Ghana’s constitutional evolution and the unfortunate instances of military regimes, the country’s democratic dispensation has yielded a number of precious fruits. Ghana can be proud, at least, of its political stability and multi-party democracy since 1992. The country’s political stability over the past three decades has also engineered peace, growth and development in a number of sectors. Notwithstanding the dividends Ghana has so far enjoyed from its constitutional democracy, the nature of democratic governance in the country has not been totally centred on the welfare of the people in Ghana.

Article 1(1) of the 1992 Constitution of Ghana vests the sovereignty of Ghana in the people of Ghana. This requires powers of government to be exercised within the boundaries of the 1992 Constitution to secure the welfare of the people of Ghana. Article 55 (5) of the 1992 Constitution, for instance, requires political parties to conform to democratic principles in their activities and undertakings.  Article 58(1) of the Constitution also requires executive powers to be exercised in accordance with the 1992 Constitution. Despite the provisions of the foregoing articles, the actions and inactions of political parties in Ghana have not, in most instances, been focusing on securing the best interests of the people of Ghana. Similarly, the exercise of executive authority in the country has not been focused mainly on securing the larger interests of Ghanaians. In practice, a number of decisions are taken to serve the parochial interests of political parties and their cronies irrespective of their adverse impact on the ordinary Ghanaian. 

It seems to  me that in Ghana, partisan politics and the exercise of executive powers are usually centred on how a government in power can win the next election or satisfy the expectations or demands of party folks. In this vein, the ordinary Ghanaian remains a mere voter who becomes important in the political architecture only when there is a general election. The powers, views and the welfare of the ordinary Ghanaian are usually swallowed by the dictates of political parties and those exercising executive powers.  It is unfortunate that unless a Ghanaian identifies him or herself with a political party and dabbles with that party’s antics and optics, that person’s share of the national cake will remain a mirage. This sad commentary has also robbed the nation of the benefits of the gifts and talents of many of its citizenry who may not be interested in partisan politics.

Why do we continue to preach democratic virtues and practice the vices of dictators? Why should true democracy be made to appear as if it is a master rather than being a servant? Why should we clothe the exercise of executive authority with democratic antics and optics while acting as dictators? Partisan politicians usually lose sight of the fact that multi-party democracy cannot exist in a vacuum. Similarly, executive authority cannot be exercised in the absence of a nation and its people. This implies that wise leaders will always focus on building stronger nations, not stronger political parties nor personalities. While Ghanaians are encouraged to challenge the excesses of the exercise of powers by political parties and executive authorities, honesty remains the greatest policy. It is high time a number of political parties and executive authorities in Ghana acknowledge that they are increasingly becoming democratic dictators. Let the ordinary Ghanaian wise-up!

Richard Obeng Mensah, author  of If You Think of Your Opposition You Lose Your Position. The writer is an award-winning prolific author of 8 books and over 250 articles on legal and non-legal themes. The writer is a fellow of the Brew-Hammond Energy Centre, KNUST, Kumasi. He is also a pastor, lawyer, law lecturer, certified life and leadership coach and a blogger.

Email:  Mobile: +233 (0)246 556 774.

Publication History

Authored on  21/03/2024 and published on 21/03/2024 on the author’s blog and other social media platforms.


The author appreciates the critiques and valuable comments of his Editorial Team to this write-up.


1. 1992 Constitution of Ghana

2. Russel J Dalton e’tal, ‘Popular conceptions of the Meaning of Democracy: Democratic Understanding in Unlikely Places’ (2007) CSD Working Papers >< Accessed 21 March 2024.

3. ADCO Law, ‘Democracy: Definition, Characteristics. And Types’ [ADCO Law, 14 December 2022] >< Accessed 21 March 2024.

Friday 8 March 2024



‘Having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people’ - 2 Timothy 3:5 (NIV).

On the heels of the 2016 General Election in Ghana, one of the political mantras of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) was ‘the battle is of the Lord’. This mantra was particularly trumpeted by the current President of Ghana, His Excellency Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo. His Excellency and the ruling NPP later added and trumpeted many other mantras including the following:

a. ‘I believe in Ghana’;

b. ‘We have the men’; and 

c. ‘Ghana Beyond Aid’.

Beyond these political mantras, the president also later made a solemn vow to build a National Cathedral to appreciate God for ensuring his election victories. The controversial National Cathedral which was scheduled to be commissioned on 6 March 2024, however, remains at the foundational level because of mounting economic and political challenges.

Ghana was 67 years old on 6 March 2024. The 67th Independence Celebration was held under the theme ‘Our Democracy, Our Pride’. I think Ghanaians would be proud of a democracy that upholds accountability, probity, self-determination, transparency, honesty, development, freedom, justice and decency.  Ghanaians are increasingly becoming apathetic towards any kind of democracy that is just about periodic elections, political speeches, failed promises, corruption and wanton waste of state resources, political chauvinism, and democratic dictatorship. The country will be 70 years in 2027.  Will the 70th Independence Anniversary Celebration of Ghana also be bridled with uninspiring political speeches and political sermons?

Before the 67th Independence Celebration of Ghana, the country has been stirred in relation to the passage of the Human Sexual Rights and Family Values Act 2024. The  reactions of the His Excellency, the Majority Leader in Parliament and the Ministry of Finance to the yet-to-be assented Act fueled the already charged-atmosphere. Contrary to the provisions of Article 106 of the 1992 Constitution of Ghana, His Excellency on 4th March 2024 chose to address members of the Diplomatic Corps about the proposed legislation. The president sought to allay the anxieties of certain quarters of the diplomatic community about the passage of the proposed legislation which is yet to reach his desk. His Excellency also assured the diplomatic community that Ghana will not take any backsliding step in relations to its human rights records. The president also indicated his awareness of a case filed in the Supreme Court of Ghana to challenge the constitutionality of the proposed legislation. Consequently, His Excellency advised everyone to hold on until the Supreme Court finally determines the case before it. The following rhetorical questions ring bells in relation to His Excellency’s address:

1. Why is the president not holding his breath until the proposed legislation reach his desk to enable him comply with the requirements of Article 106 of the 1992 Constitution?

2. Mr. President, which case had been filed at the Supreme Court at the time of your address?

3. Why was the president so mindful of addressing the concerns and anxieties of some quarters of the diplomatic community about the proposed legislation while ignoring the concerns of majority of Ghanaians about the legislation?

4. Why did the president assent to the Electronic Transfer Levy Act 2022 (Act 1075) although there is a pending suit against its passage at the Supreme Court?

5. Does Mr. President not think that his comment that Ghana will not take backsliding step in relation to the country’s human rights record is prejudicial?

Prior to the president’s address to the diplomatic community, Ghana’s Ministry of Finance issued a brief  on the immediate impact the passage of the proposed legislation on the implementation of the 2024 budget. The ministry estimates that Ghana is likely to lose a total of $3.8 billion World Bank funding over a period of 5 to 6 years. The ministry therefore advised His Excellency to defer the signing of the proposed legislation until the Supreme Court rules on its constitutionality. When did the Ministry of Finance become the legal adviser to His Excellency? How will Ghana deal with any so-called fall in revenue if the Supreme Court upholds the constitutionality of the legislation? Is it not the time to inject fresh blood into the Ghana Beyond Aid mantra granted that Ghana will indeed lose some donor funding? What has been the real economic impact on any of the Africa countries which have passed Anti-Gay laws within the last decade? Is the Ministry of Finance not playing to the gallery of economic ‘politricks’?

The New Majority Leader in Ghanaian Parliament, Honourable Afenyo Markin, continuous to mount some spirited arguments against the passage of the proposed legislation. One of the key submissions of the Honourable MP is that because of the poor conditions of some Ghanaian prisons, no custodial sentence should be imposed on persons who may be convicted under proposed legislation. Honourable Majority Leader,

1. When did you become aware of the poor state of some of the prisons in Ghana?

2. Is the proposed legislation the only law in Ghana that sanctions custodial sentences?

3. Why have you failed to champion the dignity of the many prisoners who are already serving their prison terms prior to the passage of the proposed legislation.

God cannot be mocked. Neither can He be played. If we are willing to build a National Cathedral to honour God, why are we seemingly seeking to frustrate a law that will enhance Ghanaian families values and decency of Ghanaians? If we  see it necessary to invite God into our political battles, why are we struggling to invite him into our perceived economic battles? Why are we seeking to place the interests of foreigners or the diplomatic community above the interests of majority of Ghanaians?   

Richard Obeng Mensah, author  of If You Think of Your Opposition You Lose Your Position. The writer is an award-winning prolific author of 8 books and over 250 articles on legal and non-legal themes. He is also a pastor, lawyer, law lecturer, certified life and leadership coach and a blogger.


Mobile: +233 (0)246 556 774.

Publication History*

Authored on  07/03/2024 and published on 08/03/2024 on the author’s blog and other social media platforms.


The author appreciates the critiques and valuable comments of his Editorial Team to this write-up.


1.1992 Constitution of Ghana

2.Human Sexual Rights and Family Values Act 2024.

3.Ghanaweb, ‘Anti-LGBT+ Bill: No cause for anxiety-Akufo-Addo assures diplomatic community, others’ [Ghanaweb, 5 March 2024] >< Accessed 5 March 2024.

4.BBC, ‘Ghana’s finance ministry urges President to sign anti-LGBTQ+ bill’ [BBC News, 4 March 2024]>< Accessed 4 March 2024.

5.Ministry of Finance, ‘Passage of the Proper Human Sexual Rights and Ghanaian Family Values: Brief on the Immediate Impact on the Implementation of the 2024 Budget’ [Ministry of Finance, March 2024] >< Accessed 4 March 2024.

Friday 1 March 2024



‘Dumsor’ which is a Ghanaian coinage literally means ‘off and on’ of power (electricity) supply. It implies erratic power  supply. The term 'dumsor' describes a precariousness power situation that depicts frequent power outages in Ghana. English Dictionary defines disco lights as ‘coloured lights that flash on and off in time [to] the music at a disco etc’. The use of the term ‘dumsor disco lights’  in the context of this piece means unreliable and unstable supply of electricity. 

Although about 85% of Ghana's urban population has access to electricity, one of the major problems facing the country’s energy sector today is unreliable power supply. Ghana has suffered five (5) major power crises which occurred in 1984, 1994, 1998, 2007, and 2012-2016. His Excellency Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, the President of Ghana, delivered his penultimate State of the Nation Address (SONA) at the Parliament House of Ghana on Tuesday 27th February, 2024. While touting the achievements of his government in the energy sector, the president indicated that the NPP Government has been able to keep the power on in the last seven (7) years. What His Excellency did not know was that even while he was making this statement,  the lights went out in some parts of Greater Kumasi for a considerable period of time.  The recurrent power outages in Ghana in recent times, in the midst of rising temperatures in the country, are becoming both intolerable and unbearable.

There is no benefit in playing politics with power supply since the price to pay for doing that is too expensive to especially the ordinary Ghanaian and businesses. Reliable power supply is inevitable for the sustainable development and growth of any nation. Several literature on energy affirm that energy is the ‘lifeblood’ of any society. This implies that energy is a crucial part of human life because it is needed to meet the basic needs of society.

The lingering question on the minds of many Ghanaians or residents in Ghana today is whether the country is currently experiencing ‘dumsor’ or ‘disco lights’ or both? It is high time we stoped playing politics with energy or power supply in the country. The Government of Ghana, Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG), Public Utility Regulation Commission (PURC) and the Energy Commission (EC) need to give honest feedback about the power situation in the country. They should also address Ghanaians about the true state of Ghana's energy sector. They need to also put out realistic measures to fix challenges bedevilling the country’s energy sector.

Richard Obeng Mensah, author  of If You Think of Your Opposition You Lose Your Position. The writer is an award-winning prolific author of 8 books and over 250 articles on legal and non-legal themes.  He is a fellow of the Brew-Hammond Energy Centre, KNUST, Kumasi. The writer is a pastor, lawyer, law lecturer, certified life and leadership coach, and a blogger. 


Mobile: +233 (0)246 556 774.

Link to other articles of the author on blogspot:

Publication History

Authored on  29/02/2024 and published on 01/03/2024 on the author’s blog and other social media platforms. Revised on 14-16/03/2024 and republished on 16/03/2024.


The author appreciates the critiques and valuable comments of his Editorial Team to this write-up.


1. Richard  Obeng Mensah, ‘The “Dumsor” Christian’ Gracefields Chapel 2018] >< Accessed 29 February 2024.

2. Collins Dictionaries, ‘disco lights’ [Collins 2024] >,music%20at%20a%20disco%20etc< Accessed 29 February 2023.

3. Raymond A Atuguba e’tal, ‘Ghana’s Renewable Energy Agenda: Legislative Drafting in Search of Policy Paralysis’ (2020) 64 Energy Research & Social Science 5.

4.   Christian Emmanuel Bruce and Kimberly Thomas, ‘On Again, Off Again: Ghana’s Struggles with Electricity Unreliability, Equity and Sustainability’ [Undisciplined Environments, 9 January 2024] >< Accessed 14 March 2024.

Friday 23 February 2024




Transformational leaders are like the roots of a tree. They may not be visible, but they keep the tree alive - Gift Gugu Mona.

May the Lord raise leaders for our nations who will respond correctly to His demand for honesty- Benjamin Suulola.

Partisan politics, just like in most democratic societies, is real, alive and strong in Ghana . It has nearly permeated every fiber of the Ghanaian society. Partisan politics in Ghana has in most occasions become the mirror for discussing and reflecting on even sensitive national issues. Political parties, especially the dominant ones, appear to be more powerful than a number of Ghanaian national institutions. In the name of democracy, these political parties are pre-occupied with building political empires for their members and followers rather than building the Ghanaian society on honest foundations with strong institutions. Winning elections and capturing or controlling state resources appear to be the main agenda of most political parties in Ghana. A number of partisan politicians in Ghana rhetorically proclaim to seek the welfare of the ordinary Ghanaian but they end up worsening their standards of living. Even those mere politicians who sometimes meet the temporary needs of some Ghanaians do so with the selfish motive of using the aid as a bait to get their votes. 

Leadership, it is said, is too important to leave it to politicians. Leaving leadership to politicians is like leaving formal education in the hands of morally bankrupt and dishonest teachers. Instead of using the educational system to raise leaders and a fruitful workforce; such dishonest teachers will at best raise mere job seekers, dishonest and immoral graduates, and unpatriotic citizens who only care about themselves and their  families. Leaving leadership in the hands of politicians can also be likened to appointing political cronies into leadership positions. Such political leaders, who  are usually not generational thinkers, sacrifice the critical needs of their nations for the parochial interests of their political parties. Mere political leaders in the end make democracy unattractive and unfruitful to the citizenry.

Democracy in Ghana is yet to yield the expected dividends. Democracy in Ghana appears to have been reduced to mere partisan politics and periodic elections. The essence of citizenship in Ghana has largely been reduced to mere or blind voting and alignment with a political party. To the ordinary Ghanaian, democracy is more about partisan politics, political parties and political personalities; rather than real leadership, transformation and meaningful development.

Ghana needs transformational leaders not mere political leaders. Transformational leaders have the right leadership mindset. They are visionary, selfless, real, practical, honest, incorruptible, spiritual and transgenerational thinkers. For such leaders, leadership is a divine assignment and mandate. They perceive leadership as a privilege vehicle to herald and influence transformation of lives and society for the benefit of the present and unborn generations. They are more interested in leaving an inspiring legacy, not in titles of leadership positions. For Gift Gugu Muna, ‘Transformational leadership is a calling, much more than a title. A transformational leader does not care about how he is called. He only cares about what he has been called to do.’

In the process of transformational leadership, both ‘…leaders and followers raise each other to higher levels of motivation and morality’ (Jennifer Herrity). Transformational leaders seek to build strong nations, institutions and individuals; not strong political parties. According to Herrity, transformational leadership involves modelling fairness and integrity. It also involves provoking positive emotions in others and inspiring people to achieve their goals. This kind of leadership mainly focuses on changing the mindset of the populace and building their capacity. Transformational leadership builds a culture of honesty, patriotism and transgenerational mindset. Stewart Gabel has observed that transformational leadership is grounded in modelling commitment to higher values and goals by a leader to motivate and inspire followers to achieve mutually recognized objectives.

Ghana needs transformational leadership to build a culture of discipline, honesty and patriotism. The country also needs transformational leadership to truly promote zero-tolerance of corruption, accountability, fairness, equity, honour, respect, loyalty, transformed lives  and generational thinkers. The time for the clarion call for transformational leadership in Ghana is louder now than before. It is high time Ghanaians looked beyond political party colours when exercising their franchise. It is better not to vote than to vote for a mere political aspirant or leader who will end up messing your personal economy and that of the national economy. Let the Ghanaian voter wise-up and seek after transformational leadership.

Richard Obeng Mensah, author  of If You Think of Your Opposition You Lose Your Position. The writer is an award-winning prolific author of 8 books and over 250 articles on legal and non-legal themes. He is also a pastor, lawyer, law lecturer, a blogger, and a certified life and leadership coach and.


Mobile: +233 (0)246 556 774.

Publication History

Authored on  22/02/2024 and published on 23/02/2024 on the author’s blog and other social media platforms.


The author appreciates the critiques and valuable comments of his Editorial Team to this write-up.

Thursday 8 February 2024




A driver, his mate and their passengers have a common goal. They all desire to arrive at a preferred destination. The driver and his mate by virtue of their words, conduct and representations usually cause their passengers to pose confidence in their ability to take the passengers to the desired destination. The driver and his mate usually by their conduct tout their driving abilities and may propose the best means for the transportation of their passengers to the desired destination.

Real leadership and transformation entail transportation. True leaders are able to move their followers from one destination to a better destination. Like the Biblical Moses, real leaders willingly, sacrificially and responsibly seek to move their people from the land of bondage or hardship to the land of Canaan, the land flowing with milk and honey. Any leader and his assistant who fail to achieve this goal are likely to disappoint their people who have chosen to believe in their vision.

How can two people walk together unless they agree? How can a driver and his mate transport their passengers to a desired destination unless they are one in mind, in heart, and in hand? Like Jesus who is one with His Father, a driver and a mate who are not one in purpose and pursuit can never take their passengers to the promised land. A driver and a mate who are unable to take their passengers to a desired destination must be both candid and demonstrate high sense of responsibility. They should be able to admit their failures, apologize to their passengers and convince them with a renewed and trustworthy vision (if any). 

Why would a mate seek to dissociate himself from some outcomes of the decisions of his master whom he assisted throughout an uncompleted or failed journey? Will such a mate be considered loyal and trustworthy? Will the stranded passengers trust the so-called abilities of a mate who seems to blame his master for a failed journey embarked on together? How can a mate who could not assist his master to achieve a desired goal become a competent driver? Both a headmaster and an assistant headmaster of a school take credit for the excellent performance of their students. Why should the same assistant headmaster run from responsibility when their students perform poorly?

Like the Biblical Joshua, only true and loyal assistants are given the divine mandate to lead their people to the promised land. True ‘Joshuas’ demonstrate credibility and responsibility. They muster boldness and courage to pursue a God-given vision to transport their followers to the promised land. True ‘Joshuas’ do not shift blame to their ‘Moses’ but rather focus on their God-given vision. Real ‘Joshuas’ do not leave their passengers stranded in the wilderness. They either share in the blame and seek for another opportunity to lead the uncompleted journey or quit the scene to enable a better or a new leader steer the uncompleted journey.

Richard Obeng Mensah, author  of Wisdom Thoughts. The writer is an award-winning prolific author of 8 books and over 250 articles on legal and non-legal themes. He is also a pastor, lawyer, law lecturer, certified life and leadership coach, and a blogger.


Mobile: +233 (0)246 556 774.

Publication History

Authored on 08/02/2024 and published on 08/02/2024 on the author’s blog and other social media platforms.


The author appreciates the critiques and valuable comments of his Editorial Team to this write-up.