through thy commandments hast made me wiser than mine enemies: for they are
ever with me. I have more understanding than all my teachers: for thy
testimonies are my meditation- Psalms 119:98-99
The words adversary, enemy,
and foe have one thing in common; opposition! However, these three words are
strikingly different in meaning. Your adversary competes or fights against you;
your enemy usually hates and desires to harm you; and your foe may be your
adversary or your enemy. However, unlike adversary or enemy one does not
usually know his foe. In other words, your foe is your flourishing adversary or
enemy; flourishing because you are not aware of that person’s opposing schemes.
Nevertheless, the weapon to defeat any of them is the same – divine wisdom! Divine
wisdom will make you wiser than your enemies.
Enemies are always with
us; it does not matter whether we have done wrong or not. The truth is that
adversities or animosities also afflict the innocent, although they cannot
conquer that person. Thus innocence neither prevents nor cures opposition. In fact
good and righteous deeds attract more deadly enemies than wickedness. No wonder
Satan and his cohorts greatly hate God and any persons who delight to serve and
worship Him. Studies have shown that there are four principalities; eight powers;
and one trillion demons on the organizational structure of the Dark kingdom,
and all these forces seek to attack God’s kingdom on earth. The more wickedness
a demon is able to wreak on earth; the higher that demon’s promotion in the
demonic realm. This means that wickedness is the hallmark of enemies. People
who are both prayerful and live holy are their worst enemies, and their main
It is impossible to enjoy
any forms of blessings or victories without the real involvement of God. By
God, you can run through countless and fiercest troops and leap over walls,
even skyscrapers! Of course a person can attain success or victory outside God;
but we ought to remember that that kind of success or victory is just a shadow!
Real enemies usually do not waste their efforts in contesting or fighting against
shadow success because it is a vapourized package. All that is needed to diffuse vapour is wind
or heat, and almost everyday nature causes them to operate. Thus all that your real
enemies need to do is to control the elemental forces of nature to operate
against you. This explains why the devil and his cohorts always try to
influence human affairs through the elements.
It therefore goes without
saying that you need divine wisdom to defeat your enemies. Divine wisdom is the
right application of the right knowledge. This kind of wisdom “is profitable,”
in the words of Ecclesiastes 10:10, “to direct”. Thus the right knowledge
profitably directs. The Bible contains the directions to deal with any kind of
opposition. To understand these directions, you need to identify and meditate
on a particular direction that deals with your opposition. You need however to
pass God’s meekness test. “He guides the humble (meek) in what is right and
teaches them his way” – Psalm 25:9(NIV). Humble people through Jesus Christ
surrender their lives to God, the only wise Supreme Being. Besides, God is the
only teacher of righteousness and holiness, both of which make a person
invincible to all forms of opposition. Invincible persons meditate on God’s
word always, and do them.
Obeng Mensah, author of right your writing.