Thursday, 9 April 2020



Yes, you have afflicted a million and thousands, and massacred thousands
Yes, you are roaring like a lion and seeking to devour communities and nations
Yes, a thousand has fallen at our side and ten thousands at our right hand
Yes, you have physically shutdown churches, businesses, schools and closed borders
Yes, you have fuelled and heightened conspiracy theories, suspicions, anxieties and fears.

Nevertheless, thousands of your captives are bouncing to normal life
Indeed, several nations have defeated you and will continue to break your siege
Certainly, families, societies and nations have united to overthrow your oppression
Yes, you shall surely fall on your face like Goliath with just one precious stone.

Covid-19, sooner and sooner you shall be no more; your place cannot be found
Indeed, we shall carefully search for you in your hidden places but you shall be no more
You shall soon be cut down like the grass and wither as the green herbs
Definitely, for yet a little while, your ferocious wickedness shall be no more.

Scientifically, you shall be broken into pieces like your predecessors
Sensibly, you are being washed down, sanitized, socially distanced, and traced    
Strategically, you are being surveilled, contained, diagnosed and terrorized
Spiritually, you are a defeated foe and you shall bow to the invincible name
For the name of the Lord is a strong tower which provides refuge to its seekers
He who keeps us will neither slumber nor sleep; He will preserve our souls from your evil works. O Covid-19, you have been swallowed in victory; where is your sting, where is your victory?

 Richard Obeng Mensah, author of Wisdom Thoughts .
The writer is a Minister of God, and a certified Life and Leadership Coach. 
He is also a lawyer, a legal academic, and a prolific author of 7 books and over 200 articlesBlog: 
Email:   © 10 April 2020.