Friday, 20 July 2012



“But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves lovers of money, boastful, proud …” – 2Timothy 3:1-2 (NIV).

Every true law is rooted in love. Love is the oldest law in the world. Nevertheless, it is the most lively and precious commodity on earth. Words of love form the foundations of every true home, community, nation and continent. Its language is spoken and understood by all persons in their specific environs. No wonder, all manner of laws are made to ensure its sustenance. Love always lies at the centre of every true law. It is superior to eloquence, prophecy, knowledge, faith, riches and liberality. Love’s most distinctive feature is that it never fails. Besides, it is never self-seeking.  Yet there is a need for loving oneself. Loving oneself is the first stage of love. The second and last stages are love for God, and other persons. Thus real love is a three-way traffic. Any love short of this is lifeless. On the other hand, love is complete and alive if it comprises the three stages.  Any love that remains only at the first stage only translates into cruel and gruesome hatreds.

Real love is self-transcending. That is why no person can live a satisfying life without having right relationships with right people. It is simply impossible! Without love, the eloquent is reduced to a sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal; giving and sacrifices are unprofitable; and prophecy, knowledge and audaciousness are nothing! Even God knows that without real love He is nothing! Love is His most dominant trait and greatest weapon. Satan on the other hand is nothing because he is devoid of love. That is why he is ugly in all sense. Thus any other person devoid of real love is ugly to his or her environment, even if that person is successful in life. Success, even if it is good, is not good enough if it is devoid of real love. One must be significant. Significance is the product of good success that is self-transcending and enveloped in real love. It goes without saying that real love is significant love.

    The need to love oneself, and God and others may appear complex. It has been said that educators take simple things and make them complex but communicators take what is complex and make them simple. Jesus is the greatest communicator this world has ever known. He communicated with his audience effectively-direct, simple and precise. Jesus taught love in simple and meaningful ways. For instance, he once taught his followers that all good laws can be categorized into two-love for God and love for one’s neighbour. Thus the best way to obey any good law usually hinges on either loving God or your neighbour or both.

    We are to love God with all our mind, might and soul. This means that we must love God more than ourselves. On the other hand, we are obliged to love our neighbours as ourselves. Thus the standard for loving other persons is the same degree we love ourselves. It is said that we are to love our neighbours as ourselves, not more than ourselves; true, but not so with God. We are to love God with our all and even more than we love ourselves. Besides, our love for both God and other persons must be demonstrated at all times-good and bad. The Bible cautions us against diluting our real love in the last days. The last days is marked with terrible (difficult) times. People will therefore be tempted to be lovers of themselves. Today, the global economic crisis for example is crushing the real love of some people. However, the only way to face any crisis is to have real love. Real lovers ride above crisis moments and soar higher even is such times. Crisis moments are their promotion moments; ask Joseph, David and Daniel. Are you a real lover!

Richard Obeng Mensah, author of Persecutions are Promotions. He was the 2009 National Best Student Author/Writer.

Saturday, 14 July 2012



The greatest use of a life is to spend it on something that will outlast it – William James.

Love is the strongest force on earth; it is superior to faith and hope. Unlike faith and hope, love never fails. Nothing on this earth can withstand sustained love. Yet it is one of the most misunderstood subjects among humankind. More pathetically, its application is highly misplaced. Misplaced love becomes lust. Many people for example love this world rather than God and His Word. In other words, many people love the things in this world more than God. All that is in this world are the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life.

Lust of the flesh is satisfying a legitimate need such as hunger in a forbidden way like stealing. The lust of the eyes on the other hand is about making a decision based on external guides-good looks, a pretty package or positions. It is said that many women are deceived by a handsome face, fancy clothes, and expensive sports car. Likewise, the heads of many men turn at the sight of good looks and beauty. Lastly, pride of life is the need to be on the top; the need to be ahead of or superior to others. It may be about being better or thinking you are better than others. It may also be a desire for appreciation (gratitude and worth) or acknowledgement (standing ovation, a pat on the back, and strokes to the ego). Perhaps T.D Jakes said it best when he wrote, “Wanting acknowledgement isn’t bad in and of itself. But when it guides your actions, when it becomes a substitute for acting from the heart, you can make some very wrong decisions. If all you’re after is (acclamation), then anyone can shower you with flattery, lure you with hollow words of praise”. Thus pride of life is obsession with one’s status or importance.

Pride, like a coin, has two sides-good and bad. T.D Jakes argues, “Yet pride isn’t all bad. Taking pride in your work and your appearance is a good thing. No one would hire someone who takes no pride in her work. But pride should be self-generated. Wanting to do your best and congratulating yourself for a job well done are commendable…Wanting to improve yourself and do a good job are virtuous endeavors. Keep up the good work, but be careful that your pride doesn’t make you fall”. Thus pride becomes bad if it causes you to fall. This means that pride becomes evil if it drifts a person from God and His Word. Pride at this stage becomes worldly.

Worldliness comprises both internal and external behaviours. Its external context relates to the people we associate with, the places we go and the activities we enjoy. It is internal if it begins in the heart and is characterized by these attitudes-preoccupations with gratifying physical desires; craving and accumulating things, bowing to the god of materialism; and boasting of what you have or do-obsession with one’s status and importance. Many people take pride in their status, education, beauty, strength, riches, religion and ethnic origin. This attitude becomes evil if a person’s love for them is stronger than that person’s love for God and other persons. For Apostle Paul, human achievements, no matter how impressive, cannot earn a person salvation and eternal life with God. Paul had impressive credentials such as upbringing, nationality, family background, inheritance, orthodoxy, activity, and morality. However, his conversion to the faith in Jesus Christ was not based on what he had done, but on God’s grace. Are you depending on your achievements, background, church and other affiliations, education, status, reputation or just being good to make you right with God? Then you are proud! So repent lest you fall!

Richard Obeng Mensah, author of right your writing.

Sunday, 8 July 2012



Humility does not mean thinking less of yourself than of other people, nor does it mean having a low opinion of your own gifts. It means freedom from thinking about yourself at all – William Temple.

The evils in this world can be categorized under three (3) main headings. They are the lust of the flesh; the lust of the eyes; and the pride of life. Life is full of proud people and things. To be proud means feeling pleased and satisfied about doing or having done or owing something; having a proper  amount of self-respect; having or showing a high opinion of oneself; and having an exaggerated opinion of personal worth or abilities. Thus contrary to popular public opinions, pride, like anxiety, is not necessarily evil but neutral. This means that depending on a particular set of facts, being proud may be good or evil! However, there is a thin line between pride and humility. Psychologists have said that humility might best be understood relationally. Relational humility means that we experience another person as humble in a particular relationship. Everett L. Worthington Jr. wrote, “We can say that a person is humble if four (4) conditions are met”. If we -
  1. believe that the person closely matches our ideal picture of a humble person;
  2. believe the person does not overestimate his or her position in relation to God or humanity;
  3. trust that, in our relationship, the person will treat us with dignity even if our needs, goals, and priorities conflict with his or hers; and
  4. believe the person would freely share himself or herself with someone who is needy.
Therefore, the ideal picture of humility includes being selfless, modest and humane. Thus a humble person must demonstrate the positive “other-oriented” emotions such as empathy, compassion, love and sympathy. That person must also be willing to share himself or herself with others and to submit to God, to goodness, to humanity, virtue, the needy and, in his or her relationship with other persons, attuned to their needs. Jesus Christ is the epitome of humility. Humility does nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. It considers others better than itself. Philippians 2:3-4 commands us not to look only to our own interests, but also to the interests of others. God resists the proud but exalts the humble.

It is a sad commentary that many people misplace pride with humility and vice versa. They unfortunately tag the proud as humble, and the humble as proud. Such people are simply proud. Pride is saying or doing anything that is contrary to God’s Word. Thus humility is not overestimating oneself or something in relation to God or humanity. It is a life that is totally surrendered to Jesus Christ.  Humble people always relate to Jesus as both their only Saviour and Lord. They live for Jesus Christ and for the good of humanity. Knowing Jesus more and more is their priority. God’s Word is the basis for their actions and inactions. Humility means loving God by obeying and serving Jesus, and loving your neighbour as yourself. Are you a humble person?

Richard Obeng Mensah, author of Persecutions are Promotions.

Sunday, 1 July 2012



Honest criticism is hard to take particularly from a relative, a friend, an acquaintance, or a stranger – Franklin Jones.

Criticism is a fact of life which no person is immune to.  Criticism has variously been defined as the expression of disapproval of someone or something.  It is a spoken or written opinion or judgment of what is bad or wrong about someone or something. Criticism may thus point out one or more faults of someone or something. Besides, it may be used to assess or consider the qualities of someone or something usually for the purpose of improvement.

There are two (2) main types of criticisms-constructive and destructive. Destructive criticism is devilish and primarily seeks to destroy. It comes from envious, jealous and mediocre minds as well as the hypocrites, the ignoramus, and inexperienced scoffers. Bishop Dag Heward-Mills says he “prefers to hear (his) dogs barking in the morning than to listen to critical and inexperienced scoffers”. Constructive criticism on the other hand is godly, sober, graceful, lovely and merciful. It calls for accountability, correction and improvement. Constructive criticism may for instance question the status quo or challenge conventional wisdom with the aim of initiating or causing positive life-transforming changes. It comes from experienced and learned minds. While constructive criticisms must be humbly received, destructively criticisms must always be ignored.   “Listening to (destructive) critics is letting Muhammed Ali,” in the view of Robert Duvall, “decide which astronaut goes to the moon”. It must however be noted that destructive critics are not always wrong. Instead of fighting them you must use your time to develop and improve yourself.

There are limitations to criticisms, even the constructive ones. Firstly, never criticize what is blessing people. Secondly, never criticize God’s anointed vessels. God always has a peculiar way of dealing with His anointed vessels when they go wrong. Prophet Nathan was for instance sent by God to King David to rebuke him of his lustful adultery and gruesome murder. Besides, God judged him severely and openly. Absalom, his son, however criticized King David to his own peril. He simply had no license to criticize or judge his father despite the latter’s sins. Thirdly, never criticize or judge people who have judged themselves. Thus people who have honestly accepted their faults and truly repented need not be criticized by others. God even never judge people who judge themselves and truly repent. You choose to do so at your own peril!

Criticism operates under the law of reaping and sowing. For Bishop Dag Heward-Mills, anytime you criticize or judge another person you set yourself up for judgment. Jesus Christ spoke about this truth in Matthew 7:1-5. Jesus in effect taught us these lessons about judging others:
  1. Judgment gives birth to future judgment, as rightly stated by Bishop Dag;
  2. A person is judged in future in the same manner, degree or quality he used to judge others;
  3. It is better to always judge oneself than to judge others;
  4. Hypocrites are prohibited from judging others; and
  5. Only persons with integrity or who have rightly examined themselves can judge others.

It must be noted that Jesus is not necessarily forbidding us from criticizing or judging others. His primary concern is that it must be done rightly and well. The Word of God is the standard for criticizing or judging someone or something. Jesus once said, “I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me. If I bear witness of myself, my witness is not true” – John 5:30-31. God’s will is His Word. God’s Word is His power and wisdom. It goes without saying that we need divine wisdom to criticize constructively. Bimbo Odukoya has this advice for marriage couples, “In times when couples have to correct one another they should desist from criticizing each other. Criticism only results in resentment and ultimately malice. I always recommend that any such correction should be preceded with compliments”.

Criticism is a test of your humility. How you respond to any form of criticisms demonstrate your level of humility. It also determines whether or not you grow in wisdom. That is why you need wisdom to respond to your critics. Wisely ignore destructive criticisms but humbly accept constructive ones. They will not only help you examine your ways, motives and attitudes but will also add value to your life and work. Proverbs 25:12 says that it is a badge of honour to accept constructive criticisms. Always develop an attitude of listening to your critics and learning from all that is said, if possible. However, do not be distracted by what others do or say. You have your life to live; rightly live it in the highest and best way. Fulfill your destiny by right focused endeavour, having in mind that you shall one day stand before God for the judgment of your deeds. Therefore, pleasing God in everything you do and say should always be your guide.  In this light, I agree with Archbishop Nicholas Duncan Williams in saying that, “People who make history do not depend upon public opinion. And public opinion is not always right”.

Richard Obeng Mensah, author of right your writing.

Monday, 30 April 2012



Afia Noway was highly admired, liked and loved by both the young and old alike. She was a proud native of Dwakrom City. Dwakrom was well known for its fervent trading and religious activities. Noway was well known in her native land. Her electric fame was grounded on her unique beauty and character. As a true Christian, righteous and holy living was her most important pursuit in life. She was a staunch member of Looking unto Jesus Ministries. Noway was among others the leader of the singing group.  Pastor Hasty Carnal, her pastor, was proud of her and always mentioned her name during service and appeal especially to the young congregants to emulate her. Of course, Noway was a pure virgin. But one day she was found to be pregnant. Both her church and the entire Dwakrom community were not convinced of her explanation for the pregnancy. To her mind, she has never known any male person. The church expelled her in accordance with its Constitution, and the community banned her based on its custom. Was justice being done?

Justice is mostly never achieved by merely applying applicable laws to relevant facts. Application of applicable laws to relevant facts may definitely lead to judgment, not necessarily justice. Judgment is never justice. It has been variously said that justice emanates from the people. False! Justice emanates only from God. Righteousness and justice are the foundation of His throne. Therefore, it is impossible to do justice outside God and His Word. People may easily accuse or judge a matter, not so with justice! While judgment is mainly based on the use of the senses justice is spiritually discerned.  Judgment mainly emanates from the seeing of the eyes and hearing of the ears. Justice on the other hand flows from righteousness judgment and equity. Justice is always surrounded by mercy, peace, righteousness and truth. For instance, through truth, justice dispenses freedom. Thus there is no freedom outside justice. 

Joseph, Daniel, Prophet Hosea and Virgin Mary once found themselves in complicated matters. Joseph was wrongly accused of rape and thrown into prison; Daniel was innocently cast into a lion’s den for praying to God; Prophet Hosea was commanded by God to marry a prostitute and he obeyed; and Virgin Mary was conceived by the Holy Spirit. Perhaps, they were criticized, condemned, damned, and wrongly judged by many people. By human judgment, they were guilty but before God they were blameless. Their generations inflicted injustice against them but God decreed justice in their favour. People scorned and rejected them but God glorified them. 

Jesus Christ, God’s incarnate, was even judged and punished more severely. People questioned his birth and ministry. His power and authority were attributed to devilish powers. Jesus was also opposed and rejected by his own Jewish brethren because of wrong judgment. God never forbids us from accusing, criticizing, or judging people. He however forbids us from doing so falsely or wrongly. We accuse falsely or judge wrongly when we ignore God and His word and rely on our senses and physical facts to do so. How will you judge Afia Noway?

Richard Obeng Mensah, author of Persecutions are Promotions.

Monday, 16 April 2012


“…Touching the righteousness which is in the law, blameless” – Philippians 3:6 (KJV).
I like Right Your Writing Association (RYWA) for its unique greeting (RYWA!), and response (The Right Group). For RYWA, any human activities including right writing must be done in the right way, at the right time (now), and with the right-self (passion!). RYWA also seeks to right human wrongs by inculcating the habit of real reading and right writing in real people to raise real leaders. Doing things in the right way usually calls for obeying some principles and procedures relating to a particular action.
Real judges and lawyers are practitioners of both principles and procedures in all or relevant fields of Law. In addition, real persons are law-abiding. They endeavour to obey the laws (with their procedures) of any society they may find themselves. Besides, parents mostly love their obedient children. Obedience is a great virtue! It can make and unmake a person; ask King Saul. However, obedience does not always denote real righteousness. Besides, lawfulness does not always denote real righteousness.  For instance, right to sexual orientation (same-sex) as lawful as it may be, it can NEVER pass the real test of real righteousness (good morality and good conscience). It at best licenses naked demonstration of depravity of the human mind; ask God. God eventually rejects depraved minds. “All things are lawful but not all things are expedient…” Real lawyers like Apostle Paul know this. Law and order does not necessarily exalt a nation, real righteousness does! Constitutional governance is not a substitute for righteous governance. Real righteousness eliminates sin. Besides, it aims at promoting purity and integrity.
Real righteousness is being right with God. There are two types of righteousness-real righteousness and legalistic righteousness. Real righteousness is imputed upon human beings (born-again persons) by God based on His mercy. Thus such persons contribute nothing to acquire their righteous state. God favourably imputes it upon born-again persons and command them to live holy or pure lives towards their fellow human beings. Thus whilst real righteousness is towards God; purity (honesty) is towards human beings. Purity must be in the heart, at the hand, and in thought. It calls for integrity and honourable living. Besides, it demands living at peace with all persons. Thus real righteousness and holiness are one coin with two sides. Legalistic righteousness on the other hand is acquired through human efforts. It comes by knowing, practicing or obeying laws, even strictly. Whilst real righteousness is inward (towards God), legalistic righteousness is expressive or outward (towards human beings). The main product of legalistic righteousness is hypocrisy; ask the Pharisees and the Scribes. This means that legalistic righteousness is devoid of holiness. It is lawfulness divorced from integrity.
Apostle Paul was blameless or flawless in keeping the law. He obeyed it to the letter. Paul was admirably counted righteous for obeying the law. But his righteousness was legalistic. No wonder he later counted it as garbage for the sake of knowing Jesus Christ. Garbage life is life outside Jesus Christ. Obedience to laws without Jesus is rubbish! It is vanity of vanities. True!
Richard Obeng Mensah, author of right your writing.

Monday, 9 April 2012


Many people cling to tradition. The assumption is that if something is tradition, it must be a better way. But that’s not necessarily so – John C. Maxwell.
It is said in many cycles that in the world of dictionaries, hardwork always precede, speaking alphabetically, success. Human traditions also assume that hardwork is a condition precedent to a successful living. Unfortunately, however, the conclusions of both the world of dictionaries and human traditions are not true, although they convey some logical sense. Firstly, in a real world of dictionaries, diligence precedes real hardwork and real success. Thus real hardwork, speaking mathematically, is a subset of diligence (being the universal set). Secondly, mere hardwork never translates into a successful living; real hardwork does the job! Thus real successful living is a product of diligence, not necessarily hardwork. Hardwork may just be a ‘harsh-work’, or, say, slavery. It usually pains or brings sorrows, although it pays sometimes. Diligence on the other hand dignifies, rewards, and satisfies. Whilst hardwork is self-centred, diligence is God-centred. Besides, whilst God is the rewarder of diligence, humanbeings are the ‘rewarders’ of hardwork. In addition, diligence has eternal value but that of mere hardwork is both temporal and temporarily. Finally, whilst hardwork is job related, diligence is work related.
The true formula for real successful living is as simple as reciting ABCD. Where A denotes seeking first the Kingdom of God and its righteousness; B denotes discovery of a person’s God-given purpose, gifts and talents; C denotes developing the discovered gifts and talents; and D denotes the diligence pursue of the discovered purpose by voluntarily serving humanity with the developed gifts and talents. Doing ABCD gives a person a work. Not doing ABCD on the other hand gives a person a job. Work is different from a job. Whilst work is your God-given assignment on earth, job is what you are just paid to do. Thus whilst work is service-driven, job is money-driven. Work demands diligence but job demands a mere hardwork. Therefore, engaging oneself in an official or personal task from 8am to 5pm and so forth is not working but ‘jobbing’ (if it is outside doing ABCD). Similarly, real best students are diligent, not necessarily hardworking. Diligent students are ABCD-driven; ask Daniel, Paul, and Jesus!
God has expressly stated in a plain language that, “…Without faith it is IMPOSSIBLE to please (Him): for he that (come) to (Him) MUST believe that (He) is a REWARDER of them that DILIGENTLY seek (Him)”- Hebrew 11:6(KJV) (Emphasis is mine). God is ONLY pleased by faith. Faith simply means doing ABCD. God rewards ONLY those who do ABCD. Unfortunately, many people are living the deception that hardwork in any human-chosen endeavour or venture attracts blessings from God. Even thieves work hard to steal. Perhaps, those who think that way have forgotten that Satan once offered to give Jesus the whole world if he would just worship him (Satan). Jesus rejected the offer because he knew that without doing ABCD it is impossible to please God. God ONLY blesses what pleases Him. He greatly takes pleasure (is pleased with) in persons who DILIGENTLY seek to KNOW who He is! Are you doing ABCD or you are “jobbing”? Please be wise!
Richard Obeng Mensah, author of Persecution are Promotions.