Election is a formal
decision making. The decision is based on choosing one person or group of
persons instead of other(s). The people to choose from may all appear capable
and daring. It is also about choosing
between two good or two evils, but usually not between the obvious good and obvious
bad. It is said that the good has some bad stuff and the bad also has some good
stuff. Ella Wheeler Wilcox, a poet, wrote, “There are two kinds of people on
earth today, just two kinds of people, no more, I say. Not the good and the
bad, for ’tis well understood. That the good are half-bad and the bad are
half-good…Not the sinner and saint, for it’s well understood…the two kinds of
people on earth I mean are the people who lift, and the people who lean”. This means
that it is better to choose people who can honestly add positive value to your
personality and society as a whole. Lean people are energy suckers and
unproductive, avoid them! Choose honest people who are lifters. But if you were
to choose between a lifter and an honest person, go for the latter.
Nature abhors leadership
vacuum so the electorates must make a decision. Certainly, there is no wisdom
choosing from two obvious devils. Choosing from the two obvious good is also
very difficult. However, as already pointed out, the choice is usually between
the two less obvious good. One great guide to the electorates in making this
decision is the issue of honesty. “Honesty,” so goes a good saying, “is the
best policy”. Honesty truly is the chief of policies. This means personalities
or policies on their own are not valuable if they are devoid of honesty.
Honesty is the quality
of being fair, morally upright, and truthful. And a real partisan politician or
political party must possess this quality. Governing a nation or representing a
constituent demands more than political manifestoes, policies and a team to
execute them. It is more about being honest in words and deeds. Without honesty,
a team will loot or mismanage resources or both; political manifestoes are mere
slogans; and policies remain theories. For ex-president Jimmy Carter, the
people in any nation deserve to have government as good, honest and moral as
they are. It is said that more than eighteen months before he won the
presidential nomination, Carter travelled the fifty states, preaching the need
for moral revival in high places. The basic issue of 1976, in the view of the Democratic
nominee, was the decay of morality and decline of honesty in government. He
said, “The people of the country feel they’ve been betrayed. They don’t
understand why something is going on in our nation’s government that is a
matter of embarrassment and shame. The competence of government is not an
accepted characteristic any more. No matter what a person hopes to do
ultimately in life, no matter what his top hope or aspiration might be, he
feels, generally, that Washington is an obstacle to the realization of that
hope, rather than an asset to be tapped in the future, in the consummation of
that hope”.
Ghanaians indeed “deserve
to have government as good, honest and moral as they are”. The political system
of Ghana should no more be made to be viewed as a breeding ground for greed,
oppression, corruption, political unrest and dishonesty! An election is more than infrastructure, access to education, free quality
education, agriculture, health-care, industrialization or employment. We must address
the decay of morality and honesty in our government and society in general. We need
moral revival in both high and low places. The political system of Ghana must be
an asset, not an obstacle. Dear reader, vote for honesty. You can know them by
their fruits, not policies!
Richard Obeng Mensah, author of If You Think of Your Opposition You Lose Your Position .The writer is an award-winning author of 7 books and over 250 articles. He is also a certified life and leadership coach, a lawyer, a legal academic and a blogger. Blog: Email: © 10 November 2012. Updated on 7 December 2020.