Monday, 6 January 2014

SHOWERS OF HEAVEN – Daily Light Series 6

– Daily Light Series 6

The key to our total liberation and fruitfulness is abiding in the Word of God.

God desires that we serve Him with willing minds and loyal hearts.

We can only enjoy the dividends of the eternal victory of Jesus Christ by always walking and warring in the Spirit.

There is no regret in waiting on or upon God.

Peace is a gift from God.

Failure to prepare one’s heart to seek the Lord is a grievous evil.

Real leadership includes certain degree of dictatorship. Thus reasonable dictatorship enhances real leadership.

          Richard Obeng Mensah, author of Wisdom Thoughts.

Sunday, 24 November 2013


And the Child grew and became strong in spirit, filled with wisdom; and the grace of God was upon Him…And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men
 – Luke 2:40, 52(NKJV).

The complete youth is thoroughly equipped spiritually, physically, socially and mentally for every good work. Thus the complete youth is a catalyst for positive life-changing transformation. Life-changing transformation is a product of a renewed mind. The renewed mind does not conform to the ever-changing standards of this world. Rather, it is in conformity with God’s never-changing standard. God’s unchanging firm standard is His Word.

Renewal of a person’s mind is primarily a personal choice and responsibility. This means that a person must resolve to insulate herself from worldly and ungodly standards and kowtow to God’s firm standard, even in the midst of crooked and perverse neighbours. The renewed mind is the springboard for positive transformation in a person’s spiritual, physical and social life. This is because a person’s mindset determines that person’s spiritual, physical and social growth and maturity. Growth and maturity is a mind issue, nothing more; nothing less.

The most important asset of the youth is their mind. The mind is the thinking process of a person’s soul. The soul is the mediator of any contentious issue between a person’s brain (the thinking process of the body) and conscience (the thinking process of the spirit). The mind of a person thus facilitates any communication between that person’s brain and conscience. It has been observed that the mind helps us to think, reason and make choices and decisions capable of forming ethical, moral and spiritual attitudes. It goes without saying that a person’s way of thinking determines that persons bahaviour and outlook.

The glory of the youth is their mental strength.  Mental strength is superior to physical strength. “A wise man is strong, yes, a man of knowledge increases strength” – Proverbs 24:5. Right knowledge increases (grows) strength. Right knowledge furnishes the mind with the raw material (thoughts) to build and create things. Proverbs 24:5 also reveals that there is a correlation between strength and wisdom. Real wisdom is the right application of the right knowledge. Wisdom has proofs and the evidence of such proofs is the things wisdom builds and creates.

Real wisdom is a lifestyle. This lifestyle is borne out of daily acquisition and application of right knowledge. We acquire right knowledge by committed reading, learning and studying. Jesus at age 12 was found in a temple sitting in the midst of teachers, both listening to them and asking them questions. There are also stream of scriptures that reveal Jesus was a committed reader. This attitude made Him to grow in strength and wisdom. Luke 2:52 testifies that Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and men. This means that Jesus was mentally, spiritually, physically and socially mature. He was thus thoroughly equipped for ever good work and went about doing good. His secret is that He exposed His mind to the right knowledge, God’s firm standard. Only the Word of God can make the youth complete for good works!

Richard Obeng Mensah, author of Wisdom Thoughts.

Tuesday, 8 October 2013



Technology is all about application of tools and methods
It has a multiplier effect!
By it we are able to better apply devices, machines and methods in
manufacturing and productive processes
Technology is godly because it enables us to be more fruitful and productive.

Technology is only useful if it leverages your work
Our real work is our God-given assignments (life purposes)
Technological devices and products such as cell phones, computers, TV sets, social media (such as Facebook and WhatsApp), and automobiles must serve our life purposes, never to distract and sidetrack them.

Technology, likewise wealth, is certainly not a sin, but failing to use it for God’s glory is; technology becomes idolatry if it does not leverage our assignments.
It is impossible to serve the god of technology and the true God
Do you love your cell phone more than your Bible?
Are you more loyal to Facebook and Whats  App than your church?
You cannot serve the true God and the god of technology.

          Richard Obeng Mensah, author of Wisdom Thoughts.
          Email: richardobengmensah@gm

Saturday, 21 September 2013



Football is a game
It is famous, admiring and patronizing across the globe
The game of football continue to dominate many spheres of life
Many people consider it as their source of entertainment, happiness and riches!

Football is a god in this world
It has many devout worshippers
These worshippers mostly honour it with their time and money
Their devotion to football is greater than their devotion to the Lord God Almighty.

The god of football is ignorantly being exalted above the true God
This is a great error and idolatory
The error is in honouring the god of football more than the true God
The idolatry is in spending most of one’s time and thinking on football.

No one can serve the god of football and the true God
A person will hate one and love the other
That person will be loyal to one and despise the other
No person can serve the true God and the god of football.

          Richard Obeng Mensah, author of Wisdom Thoughts.