Saturday, 15 March 2014

SHOWERS OF HEAVEN – Daily Light Series 9

– Daily Light Series 9

The acts of an immature person are annoying and distressful. It takes a mature heart to both accommodate and tolerate such acts until that immature person overcomes his foolishness or is destroyed by it.

The grace of God is the grease of a successful and significant life.

Renewal of our minds is our spiritual clothing.

Faith does not cancel endurance but it empowers a person to go through it (endurance).

The more I study the Scriptures; the more I get persuaded that God is an extremist towards men. By this I mean that His dealings and miracles for the benefit of us are always extreme (beyond human reasoning).

I thank God for making me rich in righteousness.

Overcoming presumptuous sins makes a person blameless (perfect).

          Richard Obeng Mensah, author of Wisdom Thoughts.

Saturday, 8 March 2014


I believe in and practice prayers daily. I will rather pray for life-transforming changes in Ghana by invoking positive supernatural interventions in her affairs than to add my voice to some foolish name callings and tags, insinuations and mockery that are of no benefit. “It is better to light a candle,” so goes a saying, “than to curse the darkness.” I concede that although prayer can work out miracles for Ghana, it is never enough if God has not wrought such miracles. Certainly, until God decides to perform a miracle He wants us to discover and apply relevant life principles.
Ghana needs to discover and apply all the relevant principles relating to the energy sector. Energy continues to play pivotal developmental role in nations. It connotes power and power is central to economic growth and development. Energy thus enhances economic growth and development of Ghana. However, Ghana has not been able to enjoy the full blessings within the bosom of its energy sector because of her failure to consistently and firmly apply objective market principles in that sector.

Ghana has recurrently been wrestling with energy crisis since 1984, and this means 30 years of mere political lamentations and systemic failure to holistically arrest this canker. This is a great indictment to Ghana. It has been observed that Ghana’s energy crisis props on a weak energy sector (including weak legal and political regime). There is thus a need for rolling out a comprehensive Energy Action Plan that will include extensive legal framework that reflects developmental and socio-cultural peculiarities of Ghana. One major assumption about mankind’s need, which remains largely uncontested, is that the phenomenon of energy has competing political, environmental and economic considerations but the ultimate solution that can unleash the full potential of energy for sustainable development can be delivered mainly by technology.
The primary consumers of electrical energy in Ghana are commerce, industries and residents. However the tariffs these consumers pay do not usually cover the full cost of production and supply as the state provides significant subsidy to cover production cost. Although the Public Utility Regulatory Commission (PURC) is charged with setting and approving tariffs, it is doubtful whether PURC strikes a workable and fair balance between the competing stakeholders in the energy market since it represents the interests of both consumers and providers. A careful observation of political reality in Ghana is that the independence of PURC as a regulatory body is often compromised by government interference in order to avert unpleasant political consequences from tariff levels determined by the regulator according to objective market principles.
However, government’s interventions (subsidies) usually distort energy services and underinvestment in the sector which, mainly, contributes to the crisis. The question is to what extent should consumers be protected? And how does the energy legal framework effectively shields the independent regulatory bodies from political manipulations?
I concede that in a developing country like Ghana with significant number of its populace below or barely on the poverty line, it is important for safety net to be provided by the government to cushion low income groups against high market tariffs. Nevertheless, it needs to  be stressed that there must exist a permanent fund out of which energy subsidy is provided by the government so that government does not arbitrary divert resources that could have been invested in the energy sector into subsidisation of tariffs in order to remain politically popular. Thus a well considered legal framework for the energy sector could provide for creation and sustenance of such a fund.

Richard Obeng Mensah, Esq.
Author of Wisdom Thoughts.

Friday, 28 February 2014


Everyone has a mission to discover; not to invent – Viktor Frankl.

Purpose has been defined as God’s original intent and desire for a person’s life (Isaiah 46:10; 55:11). Our God-given purpose thus reveals the reason for our being, our life assignment and destiny! Therefore, discovering your purpose, among other benefits, gives you direction in life and clarifies your significant roles. Besides, it gives meaning and fulfillment to your life.

Viktor Frankl, a physician and celebrated survivor of the holocaust, was right in stating that everyone has “a mission to discover; not to invent.”  We can only discover our purpose because it is God’s original intent and desire. Our purpose is the work “God prepared in advanced for us to do” – Ephesians 2:10. That is why your job cannot be your purpose because your job is not your work. It is said that your job is what you’re paid to do but your work is what your are called to do. Your purpose is thus your specific calling. It is worth noting, however, that your job can be your work. This conclusion must however be based on proven discovery. Besides, if the motivation behind your job is not monetary or material rewards and you are committed to it, then there is a high possibility that that job is also your work.

Jesus discovered and fulfilled his purpose on earth. He discovered it from the Isaiah 60:1-2, ‘The scroll of the prophet Isaiah was handed to him. Unrolling it, he found the place where it is written: “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to release the oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor”” – Luke 4:17-19(NIV). This reveals that the Bible is the primary means of discovering your purpose. The Bible is the acid test for verifying the originality of your discovered God-given purpose. This means that although you may discover your purpose through prayer, godly counsel, dreams, visions, prophecies, angelic visitation, audible voice or your shape; your discovered purpose must be consistent with God’s Word. Any so-called purpose that is inconsistent with God’s Word was not discovered but invented. But invented purpose is no purpose because it is both deceptive and speculative!

Discovering your God-given purpose is not enough; you need divine wisdom to manifest it. It has been said that the day you discover your purpose you discover your enemies, true! The day Joseph (Genesis 37) and Jesus (Luke 4:21-37) publicly announced their purpose their enemies were annoyed and sought to eliminate them. How people respond to your purpose reveal whether they are your enemies or helpers. However, you need both your enemies and helpers to fulfill your purpose. That is why you need divine wisdom to relate with them. Divine wisdom will give you strength and power (Proverbs 24:3-6 & Isaiah 40:28-31) to fulfill your purpose despite your enemies. God liberally gives divine wisdom to those who ask it (James 1:5; 3:17) for the purpose of fulfilling their discovered God-given purpose (1Kings 3:5-10). For example, God granted King Solomon’s request for divine wisdom because Solomon needed it as a leader and also to administer justice. It is worth noting that divine wisdom will always be tested (1Kings 3:23-28).

Richard Obeng Mensah, author of Wisdom Thoughts.

Saturday, 8 February 2014

SHOWERS OF HEAVEN – Daily Light Series 8

– Daily Light Series 8

God always guide His people mainly through the Scriptures although He may also do so through circumstances, reason and Christian fellowships.

The wealth and worth of Jesus during His earthly ministry were enveloped in the fact that He had the words of eternal life.

All godly things are both helpful and edifying.

Givers never lose anything for giving. In fact, they stand to gain more than they freely and voluntarily gave. Cheerful of course.

Seeking for a perfect beloved is a possible choice.

Your perfect beloved must worth your sibling or close friend.

Knowing Jesus helps you to know the way and truth about life.

          Richard Obeng Mensah, author of Wisdom Thoughts.

Friday, 31 January 2014



Justice springs from only God’s Word. Any law that is inconsistent with God’s Word will definitely pervert justice.

Justice is not a mere opinion; it is an exalted wisdom.

Wherever there is justice righteousness will also be present.

In legal jurisprudence there is almost no absolute definition for anything but in biblical jurisprudence there is an absolute definition for all things.

Unrighteous laws rob the needy of justice.

Kings, princes, nobles and judges need divine wisdom to function effectually.

Truth is capable of being suppressed.

It takes strong hands to bring freedom.

There is no shortcut to freedom; it takes a long walk to have it.

Injustice destroys its perpetrators.

          Richard Obeng Mensah, author of Wisdom Thoughts.