... was thirsty and you gave me drink” – Matthew 25:35a
Greatness is a product of service; a
service that flows from a person’s God-given purpose. John the Baptist was the
greatest among all persons borne by women because he fulfilled his God-given purpose
as a forerunner of Jesus and pointed people to Him. From the perspective of the
Bible, I consider Naasei as a great servant of God who served God’s people with
his ordinary gifts in an extraordinary manner.
I saw Naasei for the first time in 2013 when
I joined the Gracefields Chapels’ Prayer Ministry in Kumasi, Ghana. The last
time I saw him was sometime in August 2015 when I was preparing to travel to
the United Kingdom to further my studies. Although we never became close
friends, aside being members of the same ministry, I observed him at a distance
for his commitment towards God, His church and the people of God. Personally, Naasei
among others assisted me to purchase some items from the Kumasi Central Market
in relation to my intended travel. He sacrificed his time and financial resources
to enable me acquire the items I needed. Since reading about his sudden
departure to glory on 28th September, 2016; I have been reflecting
on his service to God and His people.
Naasei had a sense of humour with which he
transmitted smiles to other people’s faces. He was always punctual to prayer
meetings and usually attended such meetings on time. His punctuality and
respect for time, was most expressive in his attendance to first service on
Sundays. I occasionally took great admiration in his hiring of taxes to enable
him attend first service with family on time. By these financial sacrifices, Naasei
demonstrated his respect for God by coming to His presence on time with his family.
Besides, he by his conduct pointed his family to God and taught them to value
and honour His presence.
Naasei always came to prayer meetings with
a number of sachet water primarily not for himself, but for all members of the
ministry who were in need of them. Not only did these sachet water refreshed
and quenched the thirst of the thirsty, they were also silent tokens that relaxed
God’s people in His presence. I was one of the many such people who benefited
from this continuous kindness of Naseei. This great attitude and heart of
Naasei became more meaningful to me when I began to reflect on his good works
upon reading about his sudden demise from the prayer ministry’s WhatsApp platform.
My deep reflections on the good works and great
virtues of Naasei have convinced me about how Jesus highly esteems him. I believe
Naasei is one of the righteous people Jesus on His Second Coming will gladly
invite to His right hand with the following words:
you that are blessed by my Father! Come and possess the kingdom which has been
prepared for you ever since the creation of the world. I was ... thirsty and
you gave me a drink...I tell you, whenever you did this for one of these
followers of mine, you did it for me! - Matthew
25:35a, 40 (GNB).
Naasei, I salute you because you have been
a great servant of God. Your exemplary life continues to echo the fact that
greatness does not only subsist in serving humanity with our extraordinary
God-given gifts, but also in serving people with our ordinary gifts in an
extraordinary way. You have watered and refreshed God’s people in an
extraordinary way. God will definitely water you in His bosom and in His presence
in fulfilment of Proverbs 11:25. You will always be remembered for your good
works, great virtues and silent legacy.
Obeng Mensah, author of Daily Wisdom
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