Sunday, 6 November 2011



“…Money answereth all things” – Ecclesiastes 10:19 (KJV).

Intelligent persons, smart people, and wise people have one thing in common. They are able to think on their feet. In other words, they are always having ready-made solutions to problems. Simply put, they are solution-producers and problem-solvers. Aside of these people, money is commonly acknowledged as a problem-solver. We value money because it is valuable. Cedis, Dollar, Euro, Franc, Naira, Pound, Yean and so forth are banal names because they refer to money. They are legal tenders for payments of any amount. Money is everybody’s friend. It is some people’s lover, unfortunate though. We think of, talk about, and use money more than anything else. Jesus is said to have preached about money more than any other thing under the Sun. No wonder the wise King Solomon in his book of Ecclesiastes stated that money answer all things. But does money answer all things?

Money is more than a legal tender. In fact, it can be intangible. Faith is for example is the legal tender of the economy of Heaven, God’s kingdom. Faith, hope, and love solve all problems. For Mike Murdock, money is anything that solves a problem. It has been said that everything God creates is a solution to a problem. Besides, money can be a person. It is a fact that every person God created is a solution to a problem. Mike Murdock once wrote, “Successful people are simply problem-solvers. A successful attorney solves legal problems. Doctors solve physical problems. The automobile mechanic solves car problems”. Thus these people are problem-solvers. A problem-solver provides solution to problems. Jesus for instance offers forgiveness to all people who are burdened with guilt because of their sins. Therefore, money answers all things only in the sense that it offers solutions to all problems. Wisdom is the highest form of money. 

Wisdom produces solutions. The four main types of wisdom are earthly wisdom (common sense), intellectual wisdom, diabolic wisdom, and divine wisdom. All human beings operate in earthly wisdom. Lawyers, doctors, engineers, journalists and so forth operate in intellectual wisdom. Wicked people operate in diabolic wisdom. God’s anointed servants and messengers operate in divine wisdom. Divine wisdom is superior to physical money. Physical money may fail or lose its value but divine wisdom is eternally valuable and priceless. Joseph for example operated in divine wisdom while money was failing in Egypt (see Genesis 47:13-26). Jesus operated in divine wisdom. It is God-given. He gives it to those who reverence Him.

Divine wisdom among others generates power to create wealth. It supplies unfailing ideas and links a person to right people. Divine wisdom also holds the keys to right learning, right knowledge, right understanding, right living, long life and prudence. It is more precious than silver, gold and rubies. All the things we desire cannot be compared to it. While all other wisdom may fail, divine wisdom provides lasting solutions to all problems. Ask Jesus for it now! He is the source of life, truth, and the only way to God. True faith, hope and love emanate from Jesus.

Richard Obeng Mensah, co-author of 37 Benefits of Reading.

Sunday, 30 October 2011


For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul’ – Matthew 16:26 (KJV) 
(Emphasis is mine).

We live in a generation where we are motivated, or say pressured, to think and walk prosperity. The Bible encourages prosperity so it is Godly to think and walk it. It is great to be rich. It is also a noble cause. Moreover, it is gloriously great to be the richest person on earth.  Such a feat is also honourable. In fact, rich people are global celebrities. Who is the richest person on earth?

The Latest Opinion
Talk of rich people on earth and names such as Warren Buffett, Carlos Slim Helu, Bill Gates, Vladimir Putin, Symeon Freemanstein and so forth will flood many minds. Who among these people is the richest? Latest popular opinion opines it is Symeon Freemanstein. The 38-year old Symeon is opined as the most successful businessman and the youngest independent financier, entrepreneur and shareholder in the history of the world. He is said to own 68 financial holdings of the most profitable companies on earth. Dollar billionaire Symeon Freemanstein is now believed to be both the richest man in the world and the most influential man on earth because of his staggering financial empire, personal wealth and accumulated assets now valued in the region of  $82.2 Billion USD and still climbing the rich ladder daily. Kudos! Symeon. However, it is quite interesting that one day popular opinion will overthrow Symeon from this glorious comfort zone. This misfortune just fell on Warren Buffett, Carlos Slim, and Bill Gates. Who is the next person to fall after Symeon?
 The Real Standard
Another interesting thing about this whole millionaire, billionaire and ‘trillionaire’ palaver is that the richness of these celebrities is mostly measured in monetary terms. However, it is worth noting that money is more than a currency. For Mike Murdock, money is anything that solves a problem. Faith, for instance, is the currency of the economy of Heaven, God’s kingdom. King Solomon was once the richest person on earth but a lily was more glorious than him. No wonder he later preached that fearing and worshipping God is the conclusion of the whole matter. King Solomon could simply not meet the standard. Gaining the whole world is the common standard. The richest person on earth must own the whole world. I think Noah, Abraham and Joseph slightly attained that feat. I am however persuaded that they attained the heights of real prosperity. They knew that gaining the whole world is enveloped in soul-prosperity. They did not place the cart before the horse. ‘For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?’ Besides, they were rich towards God, not toward themselves. More importantly, they were rich in good works. They lived godliness and contentment life. In addition, they laid hold of eternal life.

Soul Prosperity
 Real prosperity is soul-prosperity. A rich fool is a wealthy person whose soul is poor (unsaved). Such a person is at best the winner of the ever ongoing rat race (materialism contest). It has been said that a winner of a rat race is still a rat. It is a sad commentary that the world is full of rich rats. These rich rats are celebrities. Their opinions become policies and rules. This is crazy!

The true measurement of real riches is in the salvation of a soul. A saved soul is valuable than the whole world. The soul is eternal, earthly riches are fleeting. A saved soul has automatic access to God’s glorious riches, which is eternal. In other words, real prosperity is automatic to a saved soul. Remember, the earth is the Lord’s, and the people and all that is in it. The blessings of God make that soul rich, and add no sorrow to it. Many so-called rich people are in reality living sorrowful lives. Their pockets and bank accounts may be full of money but they do not have real peace. They have internal crises within their being. Life without Christ is full of crises. Such people have pierced themselves through with many sorrows because they are high-minded. Besides, they trust in their uncertain riches. We must rather trust God who gives us richly all things to enjoy. Remember the blessings of God makes a man rich, devoid of sorrow. Riches outside God are grievously hurtful and sorely sorrowful. Such is the fate of rich rats.

The greatest feat you can attain on earth is not just being the richest person on earth but to be diligently working out your own salvation, after you have allowed Jesus Christ to work in your salvation. There must be input before output. You can only outdoor what has been indoor. You must work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. Surrender to Jesus Christ, the owner of this earth. Jesus is greater than the world. Therefore, having Jesus is greater and more glorious than being a one-time richest person in the world.  Earthly riches are like chasing after the wind. They are vanities upon vanities. You need Jesus more than earthly riches. To have Jesus you must invite Him into your heart. Afterwards, you must surrender to Him every moment. Living Jesus is the conclusion of the whole matter. Living Jesus is personally knowing Him as your Saviour and obeying Him fully. The wise King Solomon painstakingly learnt this truth. You do not have to go through the same painful experience. Remember, the first fool is not a fool!

Richard Obeng Mensah, co-author of 37 Benefits of Reading.


‘Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade wins in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover’ - Mark Twain.

I once read the expression Young and Wise at the Commercial Area of KNUST. I think it was posted at the entrance of a youth centre. It appears by this expression, the centre, among others things, was educating the youth on matters relating to pre-marital sex. In my humble opinion, the expression is more than being wise about sex. Truly, wise young people know that the only wisdom about sex education is abstinence, nothing more; nothing less. More importantly, wise young people know that they must redeem their time. This means that they must make the best of every opportunity associated with any level of life they find themselves. Real wise people are time redeemers. Time redeemers are creative and innovative. The youth in Africa must be creative and innovative. The youth must be wise. Wisdom is demonstrated in acts and deeds.

Young People have immense potential locked up in the recesses of their being. Besides, they have the control, strength and energy, influence, special ability, and numbers. Talking about numbers, ‘“The World’s Youth 2000 publication stated that, ‘There are more Young People on Earth than ever before”. More than one-fourth of the world’s 6 billion people are between the ages of 10 and 24 and 86% of these live in less developed countries – and that is power!’ In democratic societies for example, numbers are the most valuable wealth. This is because the Majority are king makers, policy formulators and executors. They dictate the flow!

 However, it appears many young people are wasting their lives. We waste our life when we waste our time. For Uncle J. Ebo Whyte, a storyteller and writer, ‘Time is the raw material of life and anyone who wastes time wastes his life and throws away his potential’. Dr Yaw Perbi, a writer, wrote, ‘The average young person in a developing country is doing nothing’. I fully agree. Besides, even most young educated people in Africa end up being a burden to their societies. For example, graduate unemployment is commonplace in most developing countries including Ghana. In my humble opinion, the term graduate unemployment is derogatory. It appears many young people just school but they never get real education. Real education is more than schooling or Degrees. It is more than studying hard to get the best job and salary or wages. 

Real education is the ability to create and innovate great projects for the betterment of society. Graduates from tertiary institutions must discover and develop capacities to create new opportunities for themselves and the disadvantaged. This will not only propel growth and development but also sustain them because of the ripple effects. Real reading is the fuel of creativity and innovation. Real reading is reading with your God-given purpose in mind.   The youth in Africa must be wise by redeeming our time and fueling creativity.

Richard Obeng Mensah, co-author of 37 Benefits of Reading.

Sunday, 16 October 2011



“Education is not the key to success. Don’t’ misunderstand me. I believe in education…However, if education were the key to success, then everyone who has a Ph.D. should be financially secured and happy” – Dr Myles Munroe, The Principles and Power of Vision.

One Saturday in September, 2011, I visited two of my loyal friends, Stephen Essel and Michael Maupioga, at Ayigya, Kumasi, Ghana. Stephen and Michael are also my proud communication designers. While in their room, I saw a book on Michael’s bed. It was Oswald J. Smith’s The Man God Uses. I borrowed the book to read it. While reading it, I stumbled on a striking statement at page 184 – “Education is not a necessity”. The statement sets me thinking for several days. I later resolved to research further into its truthfulness. Is education a necessity?

It has been observed that many people who have made their mark in the world of ideas and who have been acknowledged leaders and innovators have held formal education and educational institutions in low regard. Ralph Waldo Emerson, US essayist and poet, once remarked, “We are shut up in schools and college recitation rooms for ten or fifteen years, and come out at last with a bellyful of words and do not know a thing.” For Theodore Roosevelt, ex US president, “A man who has never gone to school may steal from a freight car; but if he has a university education he may steal the whole railboard”. This means that education may make a person intelligent to carry out some positive or negative activities. Something is necessary if it is indispensable. Education has been variously been defined as the process of teaching or learning. It has been said that the gift of learning is the primary purpose of every human being, and teaching is our primary responsibility. One needs to be taught before that person can teach. Learning may be formal or informal. It has been observed that only few people achieve success despite their education, or even without it. Self-education is good but it may be dangerous. A student must have a master.

 Education is not just schooling. “I have never let my schooling,” so says Mark Twain, “interfere with my education”. For Ralph Waldo Emerson, “The things taught in colleges and schools are not an education, but the means of education”. Education is not just passing exams. It is more than obtaining a First Class degree. It is even more than being the over-all best graduating student. Real education is gifts and talents development. Dr Myles Munroe wrote, “If you are intelligent but are not exercising your gift, you’re probably going to be poor. If you’re educated but have not developed your talent, you’re likely to be depressed, frustrated, and tired; you will hate going to work on Monday mornings…Education, in itself, doesn’t guarantee anything; it is your gift that is the key to your success”.

The Bible says “A man’s gift maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great men”. Thus, your gift is a door-opener and an opportunity creator. It attracts great men. Real gifts and talents are God-given. They help us to pursue our God-given visions. You must allow God to be your Master so that you can rightly know and develop your gifts and talents through education. Education is only necessary if it helps you to know and pursue your God-given vision. While success without God is suicidal, education outside your God-given vision is catastrophic.

Richard Obeng Mensah, author of right your writing.

Monday, 10 October 2011



‘And Solomon loved the LORD, walking in the statutes of David his father: only he sacrificed and burnt incense in high places’ -1Kings 3:3(KJV).

Love is the greatest virtue. It is the creator of every lasting creation. For Bishop David Oyedepo, ‘Love is the key to every door. It is the highway to every high place’. Love is the key to any lasting prosperity. It is the key to great legacies. Love is superior to faith (risk) and hope. It is the most sought-after virtue by mankind. Love is the most banal word among humankind. It produces wise and understanding heart, discernment, riches, honour, long life, and good success.

It has been said that the secrets of great men are in their stories. Undeniably, King Solomon was a great man. His greatness surpassed all kings, those before him and those after him. He was marvelously rich in health, wealth, knowledge, and wisdom. Solomon, for example, wrote 3,000 proverbs and 1,500 songs. He researched and studied into, taught and preached on every earthly thing including ants. He enjoyed more pleasurable life than any person on the face of this earth. The only secret to Solomon’s feats is that he loved the Lord. Solomon demonstrated his love for God through strict obedience and sacrifices. He diligently studied and walked in the laws of God

However, although Solomon has been the wisest king on earth, he among other things did the most unwise things on earth. He for instance had 700 wives and 300 concubines. Besides, he sacrificed and burnt incense in high places. This means that he disobeyed God’s laws through his decisions and acts. Thus King Solomon unconsciously started behaving foolishly when he started walking outside the laws of God. We only demonstrate foolishness when we walk outside God’s laws. Knowledge outside God only leads to madness and folly, and vexation of a person’s spirit.

Education, health, wealth, long life, fame and so forth do not make a person successful. Success is more than being the richest person on earth. It is more than being a global celebrity. Success transcends knowledge and wisdom. It has been said that success is when God is with you. In other words, true success is when you have the presence of God with you. The presence of God is full of joy and pleasure. His presence guarantees security, victory, freedom, true prosperity and good success. It therefore goes without saying that any success outside God is a bad success. Noah, Enoch, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, David, Daniel, Elijah, Peter and Paul were successful in their various endeavours because God was with them. They diligently sought for God’s presence and found it. In addition, they dwelt there throughout their life time. They were more successful than King Solomon. True success is fully walking in God’s laws or Word.

Therefore, any person who has the presence of God always is greater than King Solomon. You can only have His presence when you abide in His tabernacle and dwell on His holy hill. A person can ascend this hill through righteous living such as love, truthfulness and integrity towards God and humankind. These qualities can only be found in Jesus Christ, God’s Word. Any person who has accepted Christ as that person’s Saviour and Lord has the Spirit of God that enables a person to live all the qualities in Jesus Christ. God is always present in His laws. 

Richard Obeng Mensah, author of right your writing.