Sunday, 27 November 2011


                                            JESUS WILL COME IN THE NIGHT       
The Second Coming of Jesus is more certain than our convictions, arguments, or questions (be they learned or unlearned). Speaking bluntly but frankly, our view matters not. In the archives of Heaven and Earth, God had justifiably meted out different kinds of judgments - Lucifer and his cohorts in Heaven; Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden; Noah’s era; and the Sodom and Gomorrah’s raining fire episode. Our world is the next!

Predictions as to the exact time of Jesus’s coming have occupied the spaces of the various centuries of the last 2,011 years, after the departure of Jesus from the face of this Earth. All the various predictions have failed woefully. The latest failed balloon prophecy predicted 11/11/11 as the actual time. 2011 has ended yet Jesus has not come. Certainly He will come but when? It appears that Jesus will come in the night. This may sound awkward to you but it is a true saying. Which night? (You may wisely ask or interject!). This night is my simple answer.

Every day comprises day and night. The day time is usually lively and is also usually full of light. We are much conscious or awake during the day. We thus go about our various activities during the day. The day takes half of our limited 24 hours. The night takes the rest of the hours. The night is usually a period of inactivity or less activity. It is a general time for relaxation, or rest, or sleep. Matthew 25 gives an account on the ten virgins who were waiting for the arrival of a bridegroom at a wedding ceremony. The verse 14 says, “While the bridegroom (Jesus) tarried, they all slumbered and slept”. 

Similarly, a lot of people today are slumbering because they think Jesus has taken too long a time to come. Five of the virgins were described as foolish because they kept on slumbering without keeping extra oil hence they could not adequately prepare for the Bridegroom. When He arrived at midnight their lamps had gone out. Lamp represents the Word of God (Psalm 119:105). Their lamps went out because their oil finished. This means that we must have both the lamp and oil at all times. “Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh”. Watching means burning the lamp. We however need oil to burn the lamp. The oil includes prayers, godly fellowshipping, and constant meditation on the Word of God. The five foolish virgins had lamps but the door was shut before them because they lacked oil. They were carefree or sleeping believers. Which kind of person are you?

We need light during the night or while in a dark environment. A person may easily fall asleep in a dark environment. To stay awake in the night, one needs to burn the lamp. Night or darkness denote deception, wars and rumours of wars, famines, pestilences, earthquakes, sorrows, afflictions, betrayals, abominations (including loose morality), persecutions, and tribulations. These dark situations are commonplace today. Jesus will come after these situations. Matthew 24:29-30(KJV) reads, “Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven…And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory”. 

From the scripture text above, we noticed that Jesus’s coming is among others preceded by dark situations. What we do not know is the exact day and hour of the darkness. “But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only” – Matthew 24:36. However verses 37-39 give some clue: “But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be” (Emphasis is mine). 

Therefore merrymaking is another strong pointer. This is also commonplace today. Eating, drinking, marrying and giving in marriage are the core things people do each day. At least we all eat and drink during the hours of the day depending on our geographical location or daily schedules. Thus, Jesus was in effect saying that it is impossible to predict the precise date and time of the Second Coming. Therefore, if you say Jesus will come during the day or during the night, you are right in either case. Jesus will come in a particular day - a day comprises day and night. It takes 12 hours a day and 12 hours a night to make 24 hours - a full day. What is not predictable is the precise date and hour of that particular day. It is like pregnant women who generally know that they will be in labour within the ninth month of their pregnancy; although they can never predict the exact date and time of that ninth month. It is, however, worth noting that how we calculate time on Earth is different from that of Heaven. A day, for instance, is like a thousand years unto God and vice versa. No wonder the ways of God are unfathomable by especially carnal or natural minds.

It has been said that it is good that we do not know exactly when Jesus Christ will return. The reason is that if we knew the precise date we might be tempted to be lazy (sleeping) in our work for Jesus. Besides, we might plan to keep sinning and turn to God right at the end. That act will indeed produce superficial believers. But superficial believers have no place in Heaven. Theirs is Hell Fire, where there shall be perpetual wailing and gnashing of teeth. The qualification to Heaven is fully following Jesus at all times, 24 hours a day; 7days a week. We must thus keep working until death or until Jesus returns. What is important is to always burn our lamp lest we fall asleep in this night. Jesus will come like a thief so be prepared to meet Him at any time!

Richard Obeng Mensah, co-author of 37 Benefits of Reading.

Friday, 25 November 2011



When men forsake and leave me God draws closer to me.
Any challenge in life is an opportunity to stir up your God-given abilities and gifts.
The hardest you are hit, the better the best that come out of you.
At your Red Sea, Egypt (Satan) is not your option.
The battle is the Lord’s and His victory is ours.
I have been a child and now I am old yet I have never seen any righteous person who had put his hope in the Lord God Almighty and was ever discouraged nor disappointed after true endurance.

The only valuable thing in the universe which the Heavens are so much desirous of are the salvation of human souls.

Sin is anything you do, see, or think which is devoid of God.
Real lawyers, like Jesus, are intercessors.
Your world is the word you speak.

Monday, 21 November 2011



Thinking right, right saying, and doing something in the right way are keys to real greatness. Real greatness is simply walking in the right paths. What is right is determined by good conscience. Good conscience is always in total harmony with God’s laid down principles. Therefore, God is the standard of what is right. What is right is neither a question of fact or opinion. God’s principles are of universal application. One of such principles is that God wants us be right not only in our heads and hands but also right in hearts.

It has been said that real education must touch a person’s head (knowledge), hands (skills), and heart (character). This means being skillful, or knowledgeable, or both does not necessarily makes a person an educated person. It is a sad commentary that even the so-called best schools across the globe fail to give their students real education. Their products may be knowledgeable and skilful but may have poor character (integrity). No wonder many so-called educated people today are too-knowing, pen robbers, professional liars, selfish, and immoral. Besides, they claim to be smart people yet dishonesty is their trait. Knowledge and skills without character create crises. It goes without saying that real education must produce people who are right in head, right in hands, and right in heart, nothing less; nothing more.

Education, be it formal or informal, can equip any individual to acquire knowledge and develop that person’s skills. ‘Knowledge,’ so goes a popular saying, ‘is power’ although I do not totally agree with it. I think knowledge is life. I am talking about right knowledge (knowledge that is in harmony with God’s Word’). Any knowledge that gives mere power corrupts but right knowledge gives both life and pure power, which is for common good. Skills on the other hand open doors of opportunities to us. Knowledge and skills give us handy tools to work with. They also offer us many options. Besides, knowledge and skills are common tools for creativity. They can make star out of any person. For instance, the skilfulness of Michael Essien in football has undoubtedly made him an international football star. Lawyers, judges, medical doctors, the clergy, the academicians, engineers, scientists and so forth are much celebrated because of their great mental prowess. They hold some keys of knowledge. No wonder they are influential people. However, it is possible for a person to have knowledge and skills, and yet be fruitless. Your character is your fruit. I am talking about fruit that lasts – imperishable fruit.

Character is a heart issue. The heart is the spring of life. The wise king Solomon admonishes us to guard our heart with all diligence. We guard our hearts by concentrating on desires or things that keep us on the right path of God. Any book can equip any individual with any knowledge. Any training can develop skills of any people. However, it takes the Bible and the Holy Spirit to make someone a person of right character. Right character produces love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such there is no law. This means that a person who demonstrates the right character fulfils the law far better than persons who observes the rituals but little love in their heart. Do you have the right heart?

Richard Obeng Mensah, co-author of 37 Benefits of Reading. /

Friday, 18 November 2011


                                            WISDOM QUOTES OF RICHARD OBENG MENSAH
                                                                            FIRST SERIES

I have never failed any examination. The examination failed itself. God is my witness.

Blindness is a disease but being ‘visionless’ is laziness.
God is so wise to have created human beings after creating all things. I know men a bit. They would have possibly challenged His ownership over all things if they had slightly assisted Him in creating things or forming them.

Mistake means missing what you must take.
My past is my passport. Jesus is my visa. The Holy Spirit is my flight. God is my pilot. My destination is Heaven.

God is the only person who is worth waiting for. If you wait on human being you may be wasted.

God is the only hedge that separates me from disaster.
Never give up until what wants you to give up have given up.
Life is everything. No, not every kind of life but life in Jesus Christ.
My greatest lesson in life is that God is faithful.

Sunday, 13 November 2011



Africa’s time is now but African leaders must discover the real vision for the continent.

The 45th week of year 2011 was a week of Africa’s great blessing. Fortunately for Africa, Jesus ‘suspended’ His second coming. The world did not end on 11/11/11. Once again, Jesus has been vindicated for saying that no one knows the Judgment Day except God. If man were to know the day, everybody will go to Heaven. In the midst the agitations that this so-called ‘prophecy’ generated, however, African leaders once again demonstrated their courage. They largely gathered at the International Conference Centre (at Accra, Ghana) from 10th -11th November, 2011 to deliberate on the state of the continent, and the way forward. The great gathering was a leadership forum under the theme: “Enhancing Africa’s Business Opportunities through Effective Public and Private Partnership”. By the kind courtesy of Vodafone ABLF 2011 Team, I was privileged to be among 101 Young African Leaders that participated in the forum. The need for visionary and transactional leadership was at the centre of almost all sessions of the forum. Besides, it was repeatedly pointed out that Africa’s time is now. That Africa’s moment is now!

The statement that Africa’s time is now is premised on the facts that the continent– 1) has somewhat withstood the negative effects of the global economic downturn; 2) is a very fertile ground for the next global economy boom; 3) is still rich in both natural and human resources; 4) is attracting the attention of investors and businesses across the globe; and so forth.  Ghana is for example listed among the four fastest growing economies on earth. It is therefore suggested that Africa must seize this great moment to positively turn her story (particularly economic growth and development) around. I fully agree with this godly view. Great discoveries and other great things came to the limelight because their facilitators discovered and respected the Law of Timing. The Sons of Issachar for instance knew the times. Daniel of old discovered the real time to turnaround the captivity of the Israelites. One of the greatest mistakes a person can make is to miss that person’s kairos moment. Therefore, African leaders must positively respond to the demands of the Law of Timing. The Law says that when to lead is as important as what to do and where to go. For John C. Maxwell, a leadership expert, “Reading a situation and knowing what to do are not enough to make you succeed in leadership. If you want your organization, department, or team to move forward, you must pay attention to timing. Only the right action at the right time will bring success. Anything else exacts a high price. No leader can escape the Law of Timing”. This means that real leaders do the right things at the right time. John C. Maxwell once wrote, “When the right leader and the right timing come together, incredible things happen”.

Vision is everything. No wonder the wise king of Israel, Solomon, stated in his book of Proverbs, “Where there is no vision, the people perish” (Proverbs 29:18 (KJV)). This means that where there is no revelation of the future, people throw off self-control, personal discipline, and restraint. For Dr. Myles Munroe, “Vision is the source of personal and corporate discipline”. King Solomon’s statement therefore captures the significant role vision has in our individual, corporate, and national lives. Dr. Myles Munroe rightly wrote, “Nothing noble or noteworthy on earth was ever done without vision. No invention, development, or great feat was ever accomplished without the inspiring power of this mysterious source called vision”. (Emphasis is mine). Vision makes the unseen visible and the unknown possible. It also makes suffering and disappointment bearable. The problems hampering African’s advancement call for new visions.

Real leaders are visionary. They are also people of integrity. Besides, they focus on how to overcome the real challenges of the society they lead. Such leaders selflessly and passionately design and implement strategic blue prints to meet the real needs of the people they serve. Joseph and Daniel of old are key examples. Joseph as a wise prime minister saved Egypt and the entire world from some possible nagging effects of a 7-year stern famine. His economic policies stood the test of time. Joseph remains the world’s greatest economic adviser, wise planner, and selfless leader. He was for example entrusted with the wealth of Egypt (the world’s then most powerful nation) yet he was never accused of embezzlement or corruption. He demonstrated personal integrity and transparency to their apex. Besides, Joseph never abused his authority. Although he had within his powers to for example retaliate the wickedness of his elder brothers, he showed mercy and sought for their welfare. Joseph preferred reconciliation to vindictiveness. He walked in the counsel of the Lord. Daniel was a 100% super star. He was clothed with divine knowledge, divine wisdom, divine intelligence, and supernatural understanding. No wonder he was ten times better than the so-called wise men in the Babylonian kingdom. Daniel was preferred over all the other governors in the kingdom. He never compromised his godly standards although he reigned in the midst of crooked governors. Daniel preferred being a shining example to joining the majority of the crooked governors in their perversions. He was blameless in all his ways. Daniel’s positive character traits extinguished the diabolic schemes of his fervent opponents. He never allowed his detractors to dilute his focus.

Joseph and Daniel were blameless leaders. These great leaders had many things in common. They had common secrets. Those secrets are central to their exemplary leadership feats. Firstly, they had personal knowledge of God. They were, as a result, men of right spiritual sensitivity. Secondly, they acknowledged God’s presence in all situations. Thirdly, they completely relied on and looked unto God moment by moment. They for example sought God’s guidance before taking any step or decision. Besides, they obeyed the laws of God to the letter. In other words, they applied God’s word to their own lives and everything they did. In addition, they had forgiving and pure hearts. Moreover, they chose to serve their generations rather than seeking their personal welfare or lording over their people. Finally, they subjected their authority to God’s authority. It is worth noting that the qualities these exemplary leaders demonstrated can only be found in God. Education and much learning can never produce them. Technology is never a substitute to these indispensable qualities. No form of human training and teachings can cure corruption, greed, selfishness, dishonesty and wickedness. Human systems do not have the right force to promote law and order. Besides, no human-based organization can secure and maintain true world unity and peace. Charismatic leadership is never a substitute to character-based leadership. True leadership is in towels, not in titles.  Jesus Christ’s models and principles of leadership cannot be sacrificed for human ideologies without multiplying our sorrows. His leadership principles and acts are undeniably the best. They are divine, reliable, workable and lasting. Joseph and Daniel used them.

It is time for African leaders to humbly seek the face of the creator of the continent to ask the right questions. Why did God create Africa and everything in it? Why the vast natural and human resources? Why the poor mismanagement, and blind and crooked leadership? God definitely had something in mind while creating Africa. He had a purpose and a good plan for the people of Africa. What lies within that purpose is the needed vision Africa needs to change her story. We have leaned on our understanding for far too long yet we are still not where we should be by now. It is time to go back to our roots. Africans and their leaders must get rooted in God. People who are deeply rooted in God are committed, courageous, fruitful, and exemplary. Trees require roots and branches. A tree must abide in its roots before it can bear fruits. Trees draw strength, values, and virtues from their roots. God is Africans tap root (Genesis 1:1). His Word is our secondary root (John 1:5; Rev. 5:5). It is our connectedness to the Root that determines our greatness in all facet of life. A tree which is not connected to its roots is a dead tree.

It is impossible to rightly rule a nation without divine guidance and protection. It is a common knowledge that the function of a product is dictated either by its manufacturer or its manual or both. God is the manufacturer of Africa and everything in and under the Heavens. Therefore, it is impossible to rightly govern Africa without full dependence on God and the Bible. George Washington, the first president of USA, said ‘‘It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible”. I fully agree. We certainly cannot be smarter and wiser than our Creator.  I strongly believe George Washington knew what he talked about. The so-called developed economies have been ignoring this truth and fully depended on themselves. Although they have attained balloon economic boom, today they are virtually losing everything. Whatever God does is forever but self-induced successes of human beings are shaky. Ask the erstwhile once most powerful nations like Egypt and Babylon. Where is their power? It is Africa’s time but Africans must humbly go back to their roots if they really want to attain anything of lasting value. God ALONE knows the thoughts (good plans) He thinks (had designed for) toward Africa-thoughts of peace, not of evil. Thoughts to give Africa a future and a hope. He is readily ready to listen to us when we call upon Him in this kairos moment. “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin, and WILL HEAL THEIR LAND” 2Chronicles 7:14 (KJV) (Emphasis is mine). Africa needs both healing and visionary leaders to realize her full destiny. This is the time!

Richard Obeng Mensah, co-author of 37 Benefits of Reading.

Sunday, 6 November 2011



“…Money answereth all things” – Ecclesiastes 10:19 (KJV).

Intelligent persons, smart people, and wise people have one thing in common. They are able to think on their feet. In other words, they are always having ready-made solutions to problems. Simply put, they are solution-producers and problem-solvers. Aside of these people, money is commonly acknowledged as a problem-solver. We value money because it is valuable. Cedis, Dollar, Euro, Franc, Naira, Pound, Yean and so forth are banal names because they refer to money. They are legal tenders for payments of any amount. Money is everybody’s friend. It is some people’s lover, unfortunate though. We think of, talk about, and use money more than anything else. Jesus is said to have preached about money more than any other thing under the Sun. No wonder the wise King Solomon in his book of Ecclesiastes stated that money answer all things. But does money answer all things?

Money is more than a legal tender. In fact, it can be intangible. Faith is for example is the legal tender of the economy of Heaven, God’s kingdom. Faith, hope, and love solve all problems. For Mike Murdock, money is anything that solves a problem. It has been said that everything God creates is a solution to a problem. Besides, money can be a person. It is a fact that every person God created is a solution to a problem. Mike Murdock once wrote, “Successful people are simply problem-solvers. A successful attorney solves legal problems. Doctors solve physical problems. The automobile mechanic solves car problems”. Thus these people are problem-solvers. A problem-solver provides solution to problems. Jesus for instance offers forgiveness to all people who are burdened with guilt because of their sins. Therefore, money answers all things only in the sense that it offers solutions to all problems. Wisdom is the highest form of money. 

Wisdom produces solutions. The four main types of wisdom are earthly wisdom (common sense), intellectual wisdom, diabolic wisdom, and divine wisdom. All human beings operate in earthly wisdom. Lawyers, doctors, engineers, journalists and so forth operate in intellectual wisdom. Wicked people operate in diabolic wisdom. God’s anointed servants and messengers operate in divine wisdom. Divine wisdom is superior to physical money. Physical money may fail or lose its value but divine wisdom is eternally valuable and priceless. Joseph for example operated in divine wisdom while money was failing in Egypt (see Genesis 47:13-26). Jesus operated in divine wisdom. It is God-given. He gives it to those who reverence Him.

Divine wisdom among others generates power to create wealth. It supplies unfailing ideas and links a person to right people. Divine wisdom also holds the keys to right learning, right knowledge, right understanding, right living, long life and prudence. It is more precious than silver, gold and rubies. All the things we desire cannot be compared to it. While all other wisdom may fail, divine wisdom provides lasting solutions to all problems. Ask Jesus for it now! He is the source of life, truth, and the only way to God. True faith, hope and love emanate from Jesus.

Richard Obeng Mensah, co-author of 37 Benefits of Reading.