Sunday, 21 October 2012



Yaw Sarfo Kantanka is generally known as a person of good character in that he does not smoke, steal and that he is morally upright. The forty-year old graduate of a Ghanaian university is diligent both in all his private affairs and public engagements. Besides, Yaw is highly admired by both the young and old at his residential area. No wonder his constituents once impressed on him to vie for a parliamentary seat. But Yaw steadfastly rejected that idea because he felt that that is not a place for good people like him. Before then, he had in different occasions rejected a request from his extended family members to serve as the head of their family, and a sub chief in their traditional area. Surprisingly, Yaw had never prayed into any of these issues to know God’s will as it relates to him.

I recently had an opportunity to interact with Yaw at a leadership conference. He said among many other things that he detests chieftaincy and partisan politics because they are not for good people. Surprisingly, Yaw was convinced of electoral victory for his preferred parliamentary and presidential candidates. He destructively criticized certain political leaders. Besides, he appealed to me to pray for the peace of Ghana and all facets of leaders in the country.

Light glows best in gross darkness. A good soldier is usually known in the midst of an intense battle; a good lawyer is usually known by her advocacy and persuasive styles in a knotty dispute; a saviour of any people is only known after dying to save their lives; and a real servant of God maintains his beliefs and faith even in a burning furnace or lions’ den! John C. Maxwell believes that “the leaders who make the greatest impact are often those who lead well in the midst of uncertainty”. Andy Stanley, another excellent leader and communicator, explained, “Uncertainty is not an indication of poor leadership. The nature of leadership demands that there always be an element of uncertainty…” Therefore, a real Christian should be able to exercise any forms of authority and still remain incorruptible. Being a Christian is not a title; it is a character!

Christianity, chieftaincy and partisan politics are strong forces insofar as Ghana’s positive growth and development are concerned. A closer study of the Bible reveals that God is a family, and His key focus is Christ-centered nation building. God used the family of Abraham to raise the nation of Israel. Chieftaincy is also vital in raising and preserving kingdoms. God used kings such as David and Solomon to govern Israel. In addition, the British were wise enough to embrace the fact without Indirect Rule, their dominance on Gold Coast Ghana would be a naked dictatorship of which fierce resistance or apathy would have occasioned.

Moreover, partisan politics is a vehicle to wheedle ideological influence which is the main essence of leadership. Thus a true political leadership enhances nation building. God for instance used Joseph and Daniel to respectively shaped nations of Egypt and Babylon. Yet some self-professed Christians perceive chieftaincy as a reserve of idol worshippers and the uneducated. And partisan politics as a dirty game which should only be played by dishonest idiots! This sounds like setting up a committee comprising dogs to formulate and implement moral policies. Praying for such dogs will do little. Don’t get me wrong; it is good to pray for our leaders and nation. But it is highly hypocritical and contradictory to pray for the flourishing of something you think is evil. Is it not the case that all authorities are ordained by God?

“All that is necessary for the victory of the evil,” in the words of Edmund Burke, “is that the good men do nothing”. For Roland Mensah, “If Christianity is the motivating factor in our lives, then it should affect our societal relationships, our view of the political system and our commitment to redeem the society in which we live. We should become involved, concerned about, and dedicated to, the principle of orderly change within our governmental system”. Martin Luther says, “If our (Christians) speaking fails to address the precise point at which the world of our time aches, we are not really preaching the Word”.

Richard Obeng Mensah, author of If You Think of Your Opposition You Lose Your Position.

Sunday, 14 October 2012



There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death –Proverbs 14:12 (NIV).

RYWA is a youth-focused movement which seeks to raise real readers, right writers, and real leaders for an improved society. Professor Antobam was once invited to deliver a keynote address at its annual YES gathering at KNUST. He however could not honour the invitation on the ground that he could not get his favourite means of transport – by sea! Surprisingly, Professor Antobam had all along thought that he could travel to Kumasi by sea.

There is always the right way to every destination. You either use that way or you get lost! For instance, one can mainly travel from Accra to Kumasi either by air or land, never by sea! Similarly, there is only one path to real life. One cannot reach the destination of real life by merely travelling by air, land, or sea. Losing the track of this path is to walk on frustrated paths of life. The signposts on frustrated paths are death, deceptions, destructions, dissatisfaction, doubts, failures, frustrations, thievery and all manner of wickedness. On the other hand, the signposts on the path of real life are: love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. In sum, the path of real life is full of joy and real pleasure. Life valleys, mountains and crookedness cannot sabotage this kind of joy and pleasure.

The path of life can only be known at God’s presence. David prayed in Psalm 16:11(NIV), “You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand”. Thus real joy and eternal pleasures of life are enveloped in God. The gates and courts of God’s presence are only accessible by thanksgiving and praises. And the path to these gates is owned by Jesus Christ. To walk on this path demands that we become the sheep of Jesus so that he can usher us to God’s presence.

The path of life is full of eternal pastures, peace and overflowing prosperity. Those who truly walk on it never want anything in life. David walked on this path and later testified in Psalm 23 as follows, “The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name's sake. Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever”.

The path of life can only be shown (Psalm 25:4) by Jesus because God has accredited its licence to him. No wonder he is the only person in history who has been bold enough to declare that, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him” - John 14:6-7. It is only through Jesus that we can enter the gates of God’s presence (John 10:7-10) because he is the good shepherd. As the good shepherd he only shepherds sheep, never goats. Goats unlike sheep walk on different paths of life with the aim of seeking God. But they never get to know Him. The only way to know God is to know Jesus; knowing Jesus is equal to knowing God. We can only know Jesus when we become his sheep (disciple). A real disciple of Jesus totally depends on him for everything. Do you depend on Jesus for everything?

Richard Obeng Mensah, co-author of 37 Benefits of Reading.

Monday, 1 October 2012



“…And it came to pass, that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church, and taught much people. And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch” – Acts 11:26(NIV).

The terms believer, Christian, and disciple have one thing in common; relationship. Despite this, they have some striking differences although each one leads to the other. For instance, believing births a person into a family; an intimate relationship with the head of that family makes that person a disciple of the head of the family; and that disciple while fulfilling his assignments as Jesus did is christened as a Christian by others. Thus a disciple of Jesus who executes her divine mandates is usually referred to as a Christian by other people. At what point then can a disciple be referred as a Christian? Till we see Christ in that disciple. A certain philosopher once said, “I will become a Christian the day I see one”. Thus a real Christian is Jesus in the flesh (visible Jesus). That person is like a written letter, the content of which is Jesus!

Christianity is all about relationships; it is never a religion. The relationships are two-fold:  absolute love for God, and qualified love for one’s neighbours. In other words, a person who desires to have a fruitful relationship with God must love Him with all of that person’s heart, might, and soul. Besides, that person must love his neighbour as himself. In Christianity, there are levels of relationships with God – believer (childhood), disciple (adulthood), and Christian (epistle of Christ). However, each level of the relationships must be founded on Jesus Christ.

God gives power to all persons who believe in the name of Jesus and receive him to become His sons (John 1:12). The power denotes the leadings of the Holy Spirit; become indicates a process and sons signifies maturity. Thus believing Jesus births a child of God. This child must grow in her faith in God through Jesus Christ in order to become a daughter of God. A real daughter or son of God must be lead by the Holy Spirit in every aspect of that person’s life. “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God” – Romans 8:14(KJV). All persons who are truly led by the Holy Spirit primarily seek to expand God’s kingdom on earth. They have also totally surrendered to the directions of the Holy Spirit by crucifying their personal desires. Thus a son of God becomes a disciple if that person takes up his cross (God-given assignment (purpose)) and follows Jesus Christ always. Following Jesus requires that that son must abide in God’s Word (John 15). The Word of God is thus the standard for everything that son does. This son then becomes a disciple of Jesus. Real disciples of Jesus are called Christians by others; but Jesus calls them friends! Besides, Jesus sees obedient disciples as his brothers and sisters.

A “born again” person is not necessarily a Christian! Similarly, a Law student is not a lawyer; he is only a potential lawyer. Herbert W. Armstrong wrote, ‘…Through Christ, a repentant humanity may yet receive God’s GIFT of His Holy Spirit. To Nicodemus Christ said, “Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God”…Jesus explained, “That which is born of the flesh IS FLESH, and that which is born of the Spirit IS SPIRIT” (John 3:6). Man came from the ground. He IS flesh. Jesus was not talking about another physical birth or experience of conversion in this life – but about a spiritual birth…This Spirit-begotten Christian now has, conditionally, the PRESENCE OF ETERNAL LIFE-GOD LIFE-within him(or her), but He is NOT YET born an immortal SPIRIT BEING-not yet composed wholly of SPIRIT. He is now an heir of God as the son of a wealthy man is the heir of his father-but NOT YET “born again” –NOT YET an inheritor or a possessor. But IF His Holy Spirit dwells in us, God will, at Christ’s coming back to Earth as King of kings, “quicken” to immortality our mortal bodies BY His Spirit that dwells in us (Rom. 8:11; 1Cor. 15:49-53).’

Truly, ‘Satan has managed to deceive most of fundamentalist Christianity into believing they are already “born again” on accepting Christ. But just as in human reproduction when the HUMAN characteristics of form and shape and the human body and brain gradually begin to form during the period of gestation, so now the RIGHTEOUS and HOLY CHARACTER of God begins to take form and GROW”. This means that becoming a real Christian is not a sprint but a marathon. A believer of Jesus Christ ought not to just end at conversion but must be nourished and fed on God’s Word always. Besides, there must be continual and earnest prayer. These enhance the growth and character development (the fruit of the Spirit) process of that believer. Armstrong added, “Yet much of this spiritual character development comes through the Christian fellowship with other spiritually begotten people in God’s Church. Further, just as the human physical embryo and fetus are given physical nourishment through the human mother, God’s Church is the spiritual MOTHER of its members”.

A believer does not become a Christian merely by a passage of time and experience in Christianity. Jimmy Carter, before he became the 39th president of the USA, was caged in this deception. He once confessed, “…I was asked by my denominational leaders to go on a pioneer mission effort. On the telephone, I said, ‘What am I supposed to do? I don’t know anything about mission work’. They said, ‘You just have to be willing, for a one-week period, to give your life completely to God, with no strings attached.’ Carter paused, smiled, and then resumed a serious expression. “At first I said, ‘Well, that’s easy.’ And then I reflected that, although I had been a Christian for thirty years, I had probably never given my life to God with no strings attached for even fifteen minutes.” The pause was even longer. And there was no smile. “And I went off on this mission later on and got a new perspective for Christianity, what it meant, in a personal way.” This means that a real Christian is a disciple of Jesus Christ who has wholly given his life to God with no strings attached for even a second! Are you a real Christian?

Richard Obeng Mensah, author of Persecutions are Promotions.

Saturday, 22 September 2012



Thou through thy commandments hast made me wiser than mine enemies: for they are ever with me. I have more understanding than all my teachers: for thy testimonies are my meditation- Psalms 119:98-99 (KJV).

The words adversary, enemy, and foe have one thing in common; opposition! However, these three words are strikingly different in meaning. Your adversary competes or fights against you; your enemy usually hates and desires to harm you; and your foe may be your adversary or your enemy. However, unlike adversary or enemy one does not usually know his foe. In other words, your foe is your flourishing adversary or enemy; flourishing because you are not aware of that person’s opposing schemes. Nevertheless, the weapon to defeat any of them is the same – divine wisdom! Divine wisdom will make you wiser than your enemies.

Enemies are always with us; it does not matter whether we have done wrong or not. The truth is that adversities or animosities also afflict the innocent, although they cannot conquer that person. Thus innocence neither prevents nor cures opposition. In fact good and righteous deeds attract more deadly enemies than wickedness. No wonder Satan and his cohorts greatly hate God and any persons who delight to serve and worship Him. Studies have shown that there are four principalities; eight powers; and one trillion demons on the organizational structure of the Dark kingdom, and all these forces seek to attack God’s kingdom on earth. The more wickedness a demon is able to wreak on earth; the higher that demon’s promotion in the demonic realm. This means that wickedness is the hallmark of enemies. People who are both prayerful and  live holy are their worst enemies, and their main targets.

It is impossible to enjoy any forms of blessings or victories without the real involvement of God. By God, you can run through countless and fiercest troops and leap over walls, even skyscrapers! Of course a person can attain success or victory outside God; but we ought to remember that that kind of success or victory is just a shadow! Real enemies usually do not waste their efforts in contesting or fighting against shadow success because it is a vapourized package.  All that is needed to diffuse vapour is wind or heat, and almost everyday nature causes them to operate. Thus all that your real enemies need to do is to control the elemental forces of nature to operate against you. This explains why the devil and his cohorts always try to influence human affairs through the elements.

It therefore goes without saying that you need divine wisdom to defeat your enemies. Divine wisdom is the right application of the right knowledge. This kind of wisdom “is profitable,” in the words of Ecclesiastes 10:10, “to direct”. Thus the right knowledge profitably directs. The Bible contains the directions to deal with any kind of opposition. To understand these directions, you need to identify and meditate on a particular direction that deals with your opposition. You need however to pass God’s meekness test. “He guides the humble (meek) in what is right and teaches them his way” – Psalm 25:9(NIV). Humble people through Jesus Christ surrender their lives to God, the only wise Supreme Being. Besides, God is the only teacher of righteousness and holiness, both of which make a person invincible to all forms of opposition. Invincible persons meditate on God’s word always, and do them.

Richard Obeng Mensah, author of right your writing.

Sunday, 16 September 2012



Having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people
2 Timothy 3:5(NIV).

Godliness denotes righteousness, holiness, saintliness, goodness, piousness and devoutness, among others. It is thus great to be a godly person because godliness is a great virtue. Besides, godliness with content is a great gain. It may therefore appear that all godly people are assets. Consequently, a person may be tempted to desire a godly person as a friend, mentor, role model, wife, husband, leader, or business partner. However, a mere godly person can be dangerous!

Real godliness has both form and substance. The form denotes appearance and countenance of a godly person. This appearance is mostly deceptive. Persons who have only a form of godliness are beautiful on the outside but stinks on the inside. They glory in their appearance and are only known after the flesh. Besides, they are not integrated in that their words are miles apart from their actions. In fact, their words and deeds are two parallel rivers. Such people usually eloquently preach virtues but practice vices. Like, empty barrels, they make the most noise! Besides, they are usually people pleasers and yearn for societal acceptance by compromising on godly virtues. On the other hand, the substance of godliness is the inward make-up of a godly person. Persons having godly inward make-up may appear ordinary or ugly on the outside but glitters on the inside. Such persons simply harbour hidden gems. Their true worth is discernibly measured in gold. They potently possess both the real form and substance of godliness. They are usually known after the Spirit. It goes without saying that they are people of integrity (character).

People who have only the form of godliness are dangerous! They are dangerous because they consciously or unconsciously serve as agents and employees of the Devil. The Devil is no respecter of persons; he only respects divine power. However, persons with only the form of godliness by their attitudes deny the reality of divine power to deal with all situations. They are usually dominated by fear and easily succumb to devilish attacks and maneuvers. Therefore, meddling with such persons is to naively quench one’s faith and expose oneself to unnecessary spiritual attacks. It is more like an eagle flocking with chickens; it becomes a cheap prey to a chicken hawk. But real eagles soar heights. Besides, they keep the company of only eagles.

Today, many so-called Christians have clothed themselves with godliness but by their attitudes they deny God’s power in His word. They profess the power of God yet they deny its efficacy in all human endeavours. They thus believe more in hollow human philosophies such as economic, legal, medical and political theories than the word of God. In other words, they easily conform to the standards of this world than that of God. Their god and appetite are respectively what they should be ashamed of and their belly! Besides, they are carnally minded. Consequently, they refuse to totally surrender their lives to the leadings of the Holy Spirit and divine guidance. “…Have nothing to do with such people.” We are wrestling with powers, not flesh and blood. God has thus given us the Spirit of power. Therefore, to put on a form of godliness and deny its power is to surrender to the evil powers. Such persons are clearly enemies of God; wisely avoid them! To be equally yoked with such people is to commit spiritual suicide. Wise up!

Richard Obeng Mensah, author of right your writing.

Tuesday, 11 September 2012


Always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth - 2Timothy 3:7(NIV).

      Learning is central to the acquisition of any forms of knowledge, wisdom and understanding. Knowledge, wisdom and understanding are the sacred secret keys of any forms of prosperity. Knowledge enhances speedy and stability in any adventure; wisdom is fundamental to profiting from any forms of knowledge; and understanding makes knowledge both concrete and visible to an average person of ordinary intelligence. Certainly, “Blessed are those who find wisdom, those who gain understanding, for she is more profitable than silver and yields better returns than gold” – Proverbs 3:13-14(NIV). However, not every kind of learning guarantees acquisition of the knowledge of truth (Jesus Christ). The highest form of learning is knowing and abiding in the knowledge of the truth. Real learned persons know and abide in the knowledge of the truth. Without knowing and abiding in the knowledge of the truth, lengthy learning is lethal because its knowledge becomes a grievous nuisance, and its wisdom is reduced to a practical foolishness.
     We live in a deceptive world. Good success in this world is all about overcoming deceptions. The more deceptions a person overcomes; the greater the heights that person rises in life. One of such deceptions is that all forms of learning guarantees good success. But this is a fatal false! It has for example been said that there are three main learned professions on earth namely- Law, Medicine, and. Clergy. This is not wholly true. Perhaps, this deep-seated perception keeps on ranging because it takes a lot of learning to become a lawyer, a medical doctor, and clergy. Lawyers are, for example, mostly referred as the learned people because it requires both great discipline and industry to become and remain one! However, only real lawyers are learned lawyers. If mere learning were to be the sole criterion for measuring greatness professors might positively transform this world. Many so-called learned people and professors across the globe are at best living frustrated lives. They may overtly appear better in the eyes the public but only God knows what they are suffering within! Their belly and mind are full of turbulent tumors and turmoil! They are bereft of real peace and fulfillment.
      Real learners through Jesus Christ know God. Knowing God is the highest form of learning. People who know God through Jesus are real learned people. Real learned people always wax strong and do exploits. Thus uncommon strength and exploits are proofs of real learning. Their wisdom builds, their understanding establishes whatever they build and through their knowledge their establishments are filled with rare and beautiful treasures. Besides, by their wisdom and knowledge they, respectively, prevail through power, and muster strength always. This means that real learned persons are strong in all circumstances and situations. No wonder Apostle Paul soberly confessed, “What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ. I want to know Christ--yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death…” –Philippians 3:8, 10 (NIV). Garbage is a product of idol learning.
      Idolatry is anything that turns a person from the knowledge of the truth. For J.P. Timmons, “…We should be careful to define idolatry also. It is not just the worship of graven images, sticks and stones. It is these but much more. Anything can be idol. In America, most people’s idol is money, sex, entertainment or sports. Whatever you spend the most of time doing and thinking about, is your god”. True! Today, many people are preoccupied with acquiring all kinds of academic qualifications but have little or no delight in knowing their Creator. They worship garbage learning instead of God through Jesus! Academic logos and human wisdom are their greatest pursuit. But real learning does not come from certifications and award of academic degrees. Knowing Jesus is the key! The rests are offshoot. Do you really know Jesus? Is he the centre and the focus of your life? Judge yourself!

Richard Obeng Mensah, author of Persecutions are Promotions.

Friday, 31 August 2012



 The heart is a vital part of the human body. A body without an active heart is dead! Without it, human life is reduced to vanity; because the heart is the source of issues of life. No heart; no issues of life. Issues of life are general concerns of life. This means that concerns of life depends on conditions of human hearts. Thus whether or not mankind enjoys the goodies of life is solely dependent of the heart of mankind. A united heart for instance produces love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law! It goes without saying that keeping the heart with all diligence is the key to enjoying a prosperous life. King Solomon of immeasurable riches and wisdom aptly advised, “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it” – Proverbs 4:23(NIV).

  Heart guidance is life guidance; and good life is a product of a guided heart. The heart is a small part of the human body yet it determines its actions and inactions. Although the tongue controls human life, without the heart the tongue is voiceless. “For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth (tongue) speaks.” A guided heart thus guarantees abundant life because it is able to unite all issues of life towards God. No wonder King David, the greatest king in history, in Psalm 86:11(KJV) prayed, “Teach me thy way, O LORD; I will walk in thy truth: unite my heart to fear thy name”.  No wonder he is credited with leading his subjects “according to the integrity of his heart (character) and guided them by the skillfulness of his hands”.

A person with a divided heart may be right in the head (knowledge) and hands (skills) but wrong in the heart (character).  It has been observed that there are many people in society who are very competent but do not have character; and  there are many people in the church with character but are not competent. For General H. Norman Schwarzkopf, a retired United States Army General, “To lead in the 21st century…you will be required to have both character and competence”. He however confesses that, “Leadership is a potent combination of strategy and character. But if you must be without one, be without strategy”. This means that character is superior to competence (strategy). Stephen Covey laments that “90% of leadership failures are character failures”.  Ken Blanchard’s useful guide is very instructive, “The journey of a leader starts with the heart, with motivation and intent. Then it must travel through the head, which is the leader’s belief system (values), to their habits (attributes) and finally to their skills (what they do). When your heart, head habits and skills are aligned, extraordinary levels of loyalty, trust and productivity will result. When these areas are out of alignment, frustration, mistrust and diminished long-term productivity will result”.

A united heart potently aligns a person’s heart with that person’s head and hands.                                                                                            This great feat takes a conscious effort. Charisma is truly a gift but one has to pay a price for character. Character building is costly; it is usually a long painful process. For instance, it calls for crucifying our past, pride, priorities, paradigms, pleasures, and our very persons. Therefore, left to oneself, character building will be unachievable. It takes something higher than self to build character. One needs Jesus Christ to achieve this great feat. Jesus freely gives the Holy Spirit to anyone who receives him as that person’s only Lord and Saviour. It is only through the help of the Holy Spirit that character building becomes a reality. Why don’t you invite Jesus into your life right now if you have not received him? On the other hand, if you have received Jesus but you are still struggling with character issues, it may mean that you have not totally yielded to the Holy Spirit. Repent now!

Richard Obeng Mensah, co-author of 37 Benefits of Reading.