Tuesday, 8 October 2013



Technology is all about application of tools and methods
It has a multiplier effect!
By it we are able to better apply devices, machines and methods in
manufacturing and productive processes
Technology is godly because it enables us to be more fruitful and productive.

Technology is only useful if it leverages your work
Our real work is our God-given assignments (life purposes)
Technological devices and products such as cell phones, computers, TV sets, social media (such as Facebook and WhatsApp), and automobiles must serve our life purposes, never to distract and sidetrack them.

Technology, likewise wealth, is certainly not a sin, but failing to use it for God’s glory is; technology becomes idolatry if it does not leverage our assignments.
It is impossible to serve the god of technology and the true God
Do you love your cell phone more than your Bible?
Are you more loyal to Facebook and Whats  App than your church?
You cannot serve the true God and the god of technology.

          Richard Obeng Mensah, author of Wisdom Thoughts.
          Email: richardobengmensah@gm ail.com
          Blog: Richard-obeng-mensah.blogspot.com

Saturday, 21 September 2013



Football is a game
It is famous, admiring and patronizing across the globe
The game of football continue to dominate many spheres of life
Many people consider it as their source of entertainment, happiness and riches!

Football is a god in this world
It has many devout worshippers
These worshippers mostly honour it with their time and money
Their devotion to football is greater than their devotion to the Lord God Almighty.

The god of football is ignorantly being exalted above the true God
This is a great error and idolatory
The error is in honouring the god of football more than the true God
The idolatry is in spending most of one’s time and thinking on football.

No one can serve the god of football and the true God
A person will hate one and love the other
That person will be loyal to one and despise the other
No person can serve the true God and the god of football.

          Richard Obeng Mensah, author of Wisdom Thoughts.
          Email: richardobengmensah@gmail.com
          Blog: Richard-obeng-mensah.blogspot.com

Thursday, 12 September 2013

SHOWERS OF HEAVEN – Daily Light Series 5

– Daily Light Series 5

Africa is not a second-hand continent.

Imposition of taxes becomes a political tool for stealing if the collected revenue is wrongfully misapplied.

Undeniable facts do not override what God has said or promised to you if we continue to trust Him.

Good name is God’s highest blessings He gives any person He loves and favours.

Real hope is rooted in divine love.

God is not just mighty and powerful; He is the Almighty and the All-powerful.

Any greatness that stems from only a human effort is at best animalistic and a shadow!

          Richard Obeng Mensah, author of Wisdom Thoughts.
          Email: richardobengmensah@gmail.com
          Blog: Richard-obeng-mensah.blogspot.com

Saturday, 7 September 2013



Diamond, gold, silver and wisdom are good gifts
They can make even the worst pauper or even an idiot rich
Everybody desires to be rich
But diamond, gold, silver and wisdom are not the best of gifts.

It’s said in the Christian community that Jesus is God’s best gift to this world
It’s arguably also said that the Holy Spirit is Jesus’s best gift to his believers
Does it therefore mean that Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit are the best gifts ever given? No!
They are not the best gifts ever given because they’re given for a specific period.

God has given a better gift than Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit
That gift is not only honoured on earth but in the heavens also
That gift is more eternal
That gift is given to people who please God in their life time
That gift was first given to Jesus Christ for his sacrifice for the world.

The best gift ever given is a good name              
A good name is always better than riches
That is why God gave Jesus the name that’s above all other names
At the mention of Jesus every knee bows and every tongue confesses
The best gift God desires to give to you is a good name, not riches!

          Richard Obeng Mensah, author of Wisdom Thoughts.
          Email: richardobengmensah@gmail.com
          Blog: Richard-obeng-mensah.blogspot.com

Sunday, 1 September 2013

SHOWERS OF HEAVEN – Daily Light Series 4

– Daily Light Series 4

People who offend you can never rise above you in this life if you continue to love them.

The best way to respond to most foolish attitudes is silence.

The basis for the last day judgment is how we responded to God’s unconditional love, and how we demonstrated this love towards others.

The highest form of sound spirituality is when waiting upon or on God becomes a person’s lifestyle.

I am so glad to know that “the whole of life is spiritual, not just part of it.”

“My experience in ministry has taught me that those who profess to be Christians and yet deliberately absent themselves from fellowship with their brothers and sisters are the ones who are usually most in need of this fellowship” – Selwyn Hughes. I agree with Selwyn because his experience is a practical truth.

I agree with the assertion that there is nothing like a harsh or painful truth. Truth is indeed neither harsh nor painful; it may appear so because of how we say it.

          Richard Obeng Mensah, author of Wisdom Thoughts.
          Email: richardobengmensah@gmail.com
          Blog: Richard-obeng-mensah.blogspot.com