Saturday 30 January 2021




Josh, our God caused our paths to cross sometime in 2010

Our first encounter was in relation to my book ministry of which my graphic communication designers happen to be your close friends and roommates. You and your roommates were hospital enough to share your room with me.


You were indeed a destiny-connector and a divine helper

As our friendship grew, I once had a beautiful dream about you which I could not share with you during your lifetime; I wish I had. The Lord told me in that dream that you were a destiny-connector and a friend-for-keeps. Our ten-year friendship unveiled these truths and proved that you were indeed a precious gift from the Lord. Not only did you literary share your office at KNUST with me to facilitate my academic and research related activities. You also introduced me to the Chevening Scholarship which by God’s grace we both successfully applied.


Josh, you were an authentic Christian

 You were a true lover of the things of God; you loved prayer, God’s word and fellowship with other believers. We used to pray together and share God’s word both physically on the top of your office building and at the KNUST Botanical Garden, and virtually through conference call, WhatsApp and zoom. You were humble, selfless, sober, generous, gentle, patient, prudent, affable, faithful, reliable, tenacious and forgiving. Thanks for all the sweet fellowships we had together. Your life continues to inspire me to love the Lord more and more, and give more attention to His kingdom and righteousness. I will always remember you for your inspiring quotes including the following: ‘you cannot almost make it to heaven,’ and ‘there’ll be no rebels in God’s kingdom’.


Why have you left us suddenly?

When at the dawn of 30th November 2020, I heard of your sudden death from your wife, it sounded like an expensive joke but it turned out to be painful news. You were sound and fit when you came to my office at KNUST on the 24th and 26th November 2020. You took several photographs of our mutual friend Dela and I on the 26th November but we did not take one together with you, except your unintended appearance in one of the shots I took. Perhaps we never thought you were indirectly bidding us farewell. You called me on phone on the 27th November when you were on your way to register your dream company, which you successfully did; only for you to die on the 29th November 2020.


Josh, your sudden death has humbled me and created a big vacuum

But your Maker had permitted it to be so although your loved ones count it as a great lost to humanity; we are proud of your great legacy which are worth emulating. As you are being laid to rest today (30th January 2021), may the faithful God remember your good works and generosity. I have no iota of doubt in my heart that you have entered His eternal rest.


Richard Obeng Mensah, author of Wisdom Thoughts. The writer is an award-winning author of 7 books and over 250 articles.  He is also a certified life and leadership coach, a lawyer, a law lecturer, a doctoral researcher and a blogger.  Blog:    Email: © 30 January  2021.


*Joshua was a User Experience Specialist, a Chevening Scholar and a Senior Staff of KNUST.


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