Thursday, 18 January 2024



Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega.
He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.
He is the Light that was called upon by God at creation to bring life to the earth.
God created all things through Him.
He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
No one can go to God except through Him.
His life is the light of all mankind.
He is the light of this world.
His light always shines in the darkness and darkness cannot overcome it.
He is the Lamb that was crucified before the foundations of the earth.
It is by His blood and word of testimony that evil is overcome.

But is He the Son of God and does God have a son?
But for sin, all human beings are children of God.
Because of sin, a person can now only become a child of God after believing in and receiving Jesus Christ as that person’s  Lord and Saviour.
As the first born over all creation and the firstborn among the dead, Jesus has supremacy over everything.
Jesus is the promised child of God who was born and given as a Son.
He is the only begotten Son of God, given to this world for its salvation.
He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary.
He became flesh and made His dwelling among humanity as the God with us (Immanuel).

If He is the only begotten Son of God how come He is referred to as God?
The prophecies about His birth foretold that He will be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, Immanuel (God with us) and Jesus.
He and God the Father and God the Holy Spirit are one in nature and purpose but with distinct personalities and functions.
Jesus is the visible image and the exact likeness of the invisible God.
God was pleased to have all His fullness dwell in Jesus.
The Holy Spirit accomplishes the unified will of God the Father and God the Son.
Jesus is also the very words of the Father and God the Holy Spirit.
Jesus is also the wisdom and power of the Godhead.
Jesus is the ultimate revelation behind the ministry of the Holy Spirit.

If Jesus is God how come He died?
Jesus’s only purpose when He was on this earth was to save the people of this world from sin.
Although He is God and sinless, He took upon Himself the very form of a servant to save us from our sins through His death on the cross.
He is the only sacrificial Lamb whose atoning blood is capable of forgiving sin, because He is sinless.
Because He is God, the spirit of death could not hold Him captive.
He was Lord even while in the grave.
Although He died and was buried, He resurrected on the third day and is alive forevermore.
He is the resurrection and life.
Whoever believes in Him will have eternal life.
Although that person’s body may die, his soul and spirit will live forevermore.
On Jesus’s resurrection, He later ascended in Heaven and is sitting at the right hand of God the Father as an advocate interceding for humankind (especially believers).

How come Jesus who is God is at the same time sitting at the right hand of God the Father?
Jesus was with God in the beginning and will continue to be with Him forever.
The right hand of God is the highest exalted position God has given to Jesus in the personality of God the Son after accomplishing His purpose on this earth.
By sitting at the right of God, the enemies of Jesus have been placed at His footstool. 
The right hand of God is the place for exercising the ultimate authority over all things in heaven, on earth and under the earth.
Sitting at the right side of God is an affirmation that Jesus is equal in status with the Godhead.

If Jesus is God why did He ascend to heaven with His human body?
Because He will come back to this earth to judge the living and the dead at the end of the age.
He will return to this earth as the firstfruit of the dead to raise the bodies of those who died believing in Him to be like His.
The ascension of Jesus with His resurrected and immortal body also affirms that His incarnation was not temporarily.

The controversies about Jesus are symptoms of unbelief, doubts, deception, ignorance, pride and ego.
It is only in the light of Jesus that the controversies about Him can be deflated, dissolved or resolved.
The word of God has answers to every human controversy or question about Jesus.
Darkness cannot overcome darkness; only light can do that.
The entrance of God’s word gives light which is able to overcome every darkness.

Jesus is not controversial.
He is rather the only answer to every human controversy, puzzle, qualm and problem.
He is the only Creator and Sustainer of all creation, both visible and invisible.
He is the Bread of Life and the Good Shepherd.
He is the only Saviour of the world and the only source of eternal life.
He is the only answer to eternal death and damnation.

His name, Jesus, is superior to all names in heaven, on earth and under the earth.
At the name of Jesus every knee bows and every tongue acknowledges that Jesus Chris is Lord.
I invite you to receive Jesus Christ into your life as your Lord and Saviour if you do not know Him.

Richard Obeng Mensah, author Wisdom Thoughts. The writer is an award-winning prolific author of 8 books and over 250 articles on legal and non-legal themes. He is also a pastor, lawyer, law lecturer, certified life and leadership coach,  and a blogger.

Mobile: +233 (0)246 556 774.

Publication History
Authored on 13/01/2024 and published on 18/01/2024 on the author’s blog and other social media platforms.


The author acknowledges with appreciation the critique and valuable comments of his Editorial Team to this write-up.


  1. That's a great piece....Jesus is indeed not controversial

  2. A good piece. However, the question really is did Jesus truly die? My reading of Matthew 26:39, Mark 14: 35-36, Luke 22: 41-42 and the response to the above verses in Hebrew 5:7 and the collaboration of same in Qur'an 4: 157-158 coupled with the cry of the person on the cross as evidenced in Matthew 27:46 leaves me in no doubt that someone other than Jesus was the one crucified.
