Tuesday 2 January 2024



Yes, it is the system of government where the majority rules without suffocating the genuine and reasonable interests of minority groups.

Yes, it is a system of government which depends on the will of the people.

Yes, democracy is the government of the people, by the people and for the people.

Yes, its chief aim is to truly secure the reasonable interests and welfare of the people.

Yes, democracy has contributed to stable governance, fundamental human rights and the general well-being of humankind.

Yes, democratic governments are averagely better than authoritarian regimes, totalitarian regimes, oligarchy, communism, monarchism, colonialism and aristocracy.

But why is democracy sometimes so mean, heartless, wicked, selfish and full of confusion in Africa?

Why does democracy appear to be the dictates of the so-called powerful people and the so-called developed nations to the detriment of Africa?

Why should democracy be reduced to senseless geopolitics and be used by selected dictators as a weapon to veto decisions that auger the larger populace on the global stage without taking into consideration the interests of Africa?

Why has democracy become a tool for promoting obvious foolishness and insanity on the global stage and forcing them down the throats of Africans?

Why does democracy sometimes put on the clothes of awful discrimination, dictatorship, arbitrariness, greediness, wastefulness, and unfruitfulness in Africa?

Why have some so-called democratic governments in Africa become safe havens for dishonest idiots, professional liars, corrupt and dishonourable officials, and wicked people?

Why does democracy in Africa sometimes reduce the electorates and the populace to pitiable servants and sorrowful slaves?

Why does democracy in Africa sometimes allow some executive arms of government to bully, control, or silence its counterparts like the legislature, judiciary, media and other relevant players?

Is democracy not losing its salt in Africa?

Are the lights of democracy not dimming in Africa?

Is democracy not becoming unreasonably expensive and being replaced by moneytocracy in Africa?

Is democracy not becoming a cycle of mere periodic elections and endurance of pathetic and bad governments in Africa?

Is democracy not becoming synonymous with arbitrariness, kangerolism,  juntalism,  junglelism, richtocracy, and greedy and populace partisanships? 

Is democracy not more and more looking like a white elephant in Africa?

Democracy must be seen to be more than periodic elections in Africa.

It must in reality be made to be bigger and stronger than political parties and their cronies.

It must truly be manifested as the government by the people, of the people,  for the people, and truly with the people.

Democracy must be more reasonable, sincere, honest, relevant, profitable and fruitful in Africa.

Democracy in Africa must sit up!

It must truly be up and doing without pretence and sheer partisanship.

Let the citizenry and electorates in Africa arise and accord true meaning to democracy.

Oh, Lord! Help the failing and failed democracies in Africa.

Richard Obeng Mensah, author 'If You Think of Your Opposition You Lose Your Position'. The writer is an award-winning prolific author of 8 books and over 250 articles on legal and non-legal themes. He is also a pastor, lawyer, law lecturer, certified life and leadership coach, advocate and blogger.

Email: richardobengmensah@gmail.com

Mobile: +233 (0) 246 556 774.

Publication History

Authored on 30/12/2023 and published on 02/01/2024 on the author’s blog and other social media platforms. The author appreciates the critiques of the members of his Editorial Team on this write-up.


  1. Has Africa governments and democracies truly failed us as nations in Africa? I am of the view that, our orientations and expectations from our leaders should be re-look into to know what we need to tackle first to bring forth the total emancipation or freedoms we claim for as Africans.

  2. This write-up is profound. It is clear that the periodic elections being held in Africa is just a ticket for anyone eventually elected into government to practice corruption, nepotism and other forms of undemocratic values to better the lives of his family(s) and his bootlickers. How can we achieve a viable democratic Africa when all undemocratic principles, not limited to corruption and nepotism are institutionalised? Politics has become a money making platforms across Africa contrary to living the ideals of democracy to shape the lives of ordinary men and women in society, as well as empowering state institutions to work without bending the rules in anyone's favour. Meritocracy has been lost. Favouritism is now the order of the day.

  3. Kwaku Antwi-Agyei2 January 2024 at 05:00

    Well written article. A true definition of African democracy. We need to wake up as a people and redefine this distorted democratic practice.
