Friday, 23 February 2024




Transformational leaders are like the roots of a tree. They may not be visible, but they keep the tree alive - Gift Gugu Mona.

May the Lord raise leaders for our nations who will respond correctly to His demand for honesty- Benjamin Suulola.

Partisan politics, just like in most democratic societies, is real, alive and strong in Ghana . It has nearly permeated every fiber of the Ghanaian society. Partisan politics in Ghana has in most occasions become the mirror for discussing and reflecting on even sensitive national issues. Political parties, especially the dominant ones, appear to be more powerful than a number of Ghanaian national institutions. In the name of democracy, these political parties are pre-occupied with building political empires for their members and followers rather than building the Ghanaian society on honest foundations with strong institutions. Winning elections and capturing or controlling state resources appear to be the main agenda of most political parties in Ghana. A number of partisan politicians in Ghana rhetorically proclaim to seek the welfare of the ordinary Ghanaian but they end up worsening their standards of living. Even those mere politicians who sometimes meet the temporary needs of some Ghanaians do so with the selfish motive of using the aid as a bait to get their votes. 

Leadership, it is said, is too important to leave it to politicians. Leaving leadership to politicians is like leaving formal education in the hands of morally bankrupt and dishonest teachers. Instead of using the educational system to raise leaders and a fruitful workforce; such dishonest teachers will at best raise mere job seekers, dishonest and immoral graduates, and unpatriotic citizens who only care about themselves and their  families. Leaving leadership in the hands of politicians can also be likened to appointing political cronies into leadership positions. Such political leaders, who  are usually not generational thinkers, sacrifice the critical needs of their nations for the parochial interests of their political parties. Mere political leaders in the end make democracy unattractive and unfruitful to the citizenry.

Democracy in Ghana is yet to yield the expected dividends. Democracy in Ghana appears to have been reduced to mere partisan politics and periodic elections. The essence of citizenship in Ghana has largely been reduced to mere or blind voting and alignment with a political party. To the ordinary Ghanaian, democracy is more about partisan politics, political parties and political personalities; rather than real leadership, transformation and meaningful development.

Ghana needs transformational leaders not mere political leaders. Transformational leaders have the right leadership mindset. They are visionary, selfless, real, practical, honest, incorruptible, spiritual and transgenerational thinkers. For such leaders, leadership is a divine assignment and mandate. They perceive leadership as a privilege vehicle to herald and influence transformation of lives and society for the benefit of the present and unborn generations. They are more interested in leaving an inspiring legacy, not in titles of leadership positions. For Gift Gugu Muna, ‘Transformational leadership is a calling, much more than a title. A transformational leader does not care about how he is called. He only cares about what he has been called to do.’

In the process of transformational leadership, both ‘…leaders and followers raise each other to higher levels of motivation and morality’ (Jennifer Herrity). Transformational leaders seek to build strong nations, institutions and individuals; not strong political parties. According to Herrity, transformational leadership involves modelling fairness and integrity. It also involves provoking positive emotions in others and inspiring people to achieve their goals. This kind of leadership mainly focuses on changing the mindset of the populace and building their capacity. Transformational leadership builds a culture of honesty, patriotism and transgenerational mindset. Stewart Gabel has observed that transformational leadership is grounded in modelling commitment to higher values and goals by a leader to motivate and inspire followers to achieve mutually recognized objectives.

Ghana needs transformational leadership to build a culture of discipline, honesty and patriotism. The country also needs transformational leadership to truly promote zero-tolerance of corruption, accountability, fairness, equity, honour, respect, loyalty, transformed lives  and generational thinkers. The time for the clarion call for transformational leadership in Ghana is louder now than before. It is high time Ghanaians looked beyond political party colours when exercising their franchise. It is better not to vote than to vote for a mere political aspirant or leader who will end up messing your personal economy and that of the national economy. Let the Ghanaian voter wise-up and seek after transformational leadership.

Richard Obeng Mensah, author  of If You Think of Your Opposition You Lose Your Position. The writer is an award-winning prolific author of 8 books and over 250 articles on legal and non-legal themes. He is also a pastor, lawyer, law lecturer, a blogger, and a certified life and leadership coach and.


Mobile: +233 (0)246 556 774.

Publication History

Authored on  22/02/2024 and published on 23/02/2024 on the author’s blog and other social media platforms.


The author appreciates the critiques and valuable comments of his Editorial Team to this write-up.

Thursday, 8 February 2024




A driver, his mate and their passengers have a common goal. They all desire to arrive at a preferred destination. The driver and his mate by virtue of their words, conduct and representations usually cause their passengers to pose confidence in their ability to take the passengers to the desired destination. The driver and his mate usually by their conduct tout their driving abilities and may propose the best means for the transportation of their passengers to the desired destination.

Real leadership and transformation entail transportation. True leaders are able to move their followers from one destination to a better destination. Like the Biblical Moses, real leaders willingly, sacrificially and responsibly seek to move their people from the land of bondage or hardship to the land of Canaan, the land flowing with milk and honey. Any leader and his assistant who fail to achieve this goal are likely to disappoint their people who have chosen to believe in their vision.

How can two people walk together unless they agree? How can a driver and his mate transport their passengers to a desired destination unless they are one in mind, in heart, and in hand? Like Jesus who is one with His Father, a driver and a mate who are not one in purpose and pursuit can never take their passengers to the promised land. A driver and a mate who are unable to take their passengers to a desired destination must be both candid and demonstrate high sense of responsibility. They should be able to admit their failures, apologize to their passengers and convince them with a renewed and trustworthy vision (if any). 

Why would a mate seek to dissociate himself from some outcomes of the decisions of his master whom he assisted throughout an uncompleted or failed journey? Will such a mate be considered loyal and trustworthy? Will the stranded passengers trust the so-called abilities of a mate who seems to blame his master for a failed journey embarked on together? How can a mate who could not assist his master to achieve a desired goal become a competent driver? Both a headmaster and an assistant headmaster of a school take credit for the excellent performance of their students. Why should the same assistant headmaster run from responsibility when their students perform poorly?

Like the Biblical Joshua, only true and loyal assistants are given the divine mandate to lead their people to the promised land. True ‘Joshuas’ demonstrate credibility and responsibility. They muster boldness and courage to pursue a God-given vision to transport their followers to the promised land. True ‘Joshuas’ do not shift blame to their ‘Moses’ but rather focus on their God-given vision. Real ‘Joshuas’ do not leave their passengers stranded in the wilderness. They either share in the blame and seek for another opportunity to lead the uncompleted journey or quit the scene to enable a better or a new leader steer the uncompleted journey.

Richard Obeng Mensah, author  of Wisdom Thoughts. The writer is an award-winning prolific author of 8 books and over 250 articles on legal and non-legal themes. He is also a pastor, lawyer, law lecturer, certified life and leadership coach, and a blogger.


Mobile: +233 (0)246 556 774.

Publication History

Authored on 08/02/2024 and published on 08/02/2024 on the author’s blog and other social media platforms.


The author appreciates the critiques and valuable comments of his Editorial Team to this write-up.

Wednesday, 31 January 2024



Corruption is a popular marketable political commodity in Ghana. Political parties in opposition are especially more vociferous about alleged acts of corruption by some elements of the ruling government. While political parties in opposition usually appear to be saints and also offer practical solutions for corruption; ruling governments usually water-down allegations of corruption and also offer political rhetorical solutions for dealing with the canker.

Sadly, both ruling governments and political parties in opposition mostly seek to score political points in terms of efforts against corruption which none of them is better in relation to the canker. Usually, one political party touts itself as being the lesser evil when it comes to corruption but there is no good in evil. There is no wisdom in choosing between two evils since both greater and lesser evils will eventually breed evil outcomes.

Ghana’s performance in the fight against corruption in the last decade has been abysmal. According to the Transparency International’s January 2024 report, Ghana’s performance within the last four (4) years on the global Corruption Perception Index (CPI)  is 0%. Despite a number of political rhetorics in the fight against corruption by the ruling NPP Government, the output of the government is within the margins of 0% and is the worst performance compared to the state of affairs or the prevailing trend in or before 2015..

Like the Biblical Jonah, Ghana has been swallowed by the Whale of Corruption. There is the need for genuine repentance from the high to the low places in Ghana. Corruption is rife in the country because it is tolerated and sometimes even ‘honoured’. The canker has become an attractive instrument for securing political power, facilitating the performance of some public services, securing admission into educational institutions, securing employment and so forth. It, for instance, appears partisan politics has become so attractive in Ghana because of the incidence of corruption associated with it. Why should some political elements or government officials suddenly become affluent only when their political party is in power?

To get out of the belly of the whale of corruption in Ghana, the country needs to adopt more sincere and pragmatic steps. We must move from turning a blind eye to the evils of corruption to blowing the necessary whistles in relation to the canker. Whistle blowers of alleged corrupt acts, which eventually turn out to be true, must also be celebrated,  honoured and protected by the Government of Ghana.

Besides, ruling governments must demonstrate by their actions and inactions that occupying public positions is not a business avenue for embezzling public funds. Governments in power must also be seen to be honestly supporting anti-corruption institutions in their fight against corruption and related offences.

Moreover, the legal regime on corruption should move from being toothless bull-dogs, especially when it comes to politically exposed persons, to wild-bitting dogs which seek to devour all players of corruption. 

Furthermore, the Government of Ghana should prfioritize the passage of a law that seeks to regulate the Conduct of Public Officers in relation to corruption and related matters. Ghana should also be intentional in creating a legal culture which will require people suspected of corruption to explain the source of their wealth in a satisfactory manner with robust evidence or risk criminal sanctions such as confiscation of assets, imprisonment, removal from public office or punitive fines.

The justice system should be reformed or enhanced to ensure speedy prosecution of corruption-related offences or corruption-related cases. Ghana should also consider empowering its citizens to initiate civil actions against public officers involved in alleged corrupt acts, and such officers should be required to prove their innocence after a prima facie evidence (sufficient at first impression) has been established against them.

Richard Obeng Mensah, author  of Daily Wisdom. The writer is an award-winning prolific author of 8 books and over 250 articles on legal and non-legal themes. He is also a pastor, lawyer, law lecturer, certified life and leadership coach and a blogger.


Mobile: +233 (0)246 556 774.

Publication History

Authored on 31/01/2024 and published on 31/01/2024 on the author’s blog and other social media platforms.


The author appreciates the critiques and valuable comments of his Editorial Team to this write-up.

Thursday, 18 January 2024



Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega.
He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.
He is the Light that was called upon by God at creation to bring life to the earth.
God created all things through Him.
He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
No one can go to God except through Him.
His life is the light of all mankind.
He is the light of this world.
His light always shines in the darkness and darkness cannot overcome it.
He is the Lamb that was crucified before the foundations of the earth.
It is by His blood and word of testimony that evil is overcome.

But is He the Son of God and does God have a son?
But for sin, all human beings are children of God.
Because of sin, a person can now only become a child of God after believing in and receiving Jesus Christ as that person’s  Lord and Saviour.
As the first born over all creation and the firstborn among the dead, Jesus has supremacy over everything.
Jesus is the promised child of God who was born and given as a Son.
He is the only begotten Son of God, given to this world for its salvation.
He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary.
He became flesh and made His dwelling among humanity as the God with us (Immanuel).

If He is the only begotten Son of God how come He is referred to as God?
The prophecies about His birth foretold that He will be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, Immanuel (God with us) and Jesus.
He and God the Father and God the Holy Spirit are one in nature and purpose but with distinct personalities and functions.
Jesus is the visible image and the exact likeness of the invisible God.
God was pleased to have all His fullness dwell in Jesus.
The Holy Spirit accomplishes the unified will of God the Father and God the Son.
Jesus is also the very words of the Father and God the Holy Spirit.
Jesus is also the wisdom and power of the Godhead.
Jesus is the ultimate revelation behind the ministry of the Holy Spirit.

If Jesus is God how come He died?
Jesus’s only purpose when He was on this earth was to save the people of this world from sin.
Although He is God and sinless, He took upon Himself the very form of a servant to save us from our sins through His death on the cross.
He is the only sacrificial Lamb whose atoning blood is capable of forgiving sin, because He is sinless.
Because He is God, the spirit of death could not hold Him captive.
He was Lord even while in the grave.
Although He died and was buried, He resurrected on the third day and is alive forevermore.
He is the resurrection and life.
Whoever believes in Him will have eternal life.
Although that person’s body may die, his soul and spirit will live forevermore.
On Jesus’s resurrection, He later ascended in Heaven and is sitting at the right hand of God the Father as an advocate interceding for humankind (especially believers).

How come Jesus who is God is at the same time sitting at the right hand of God the Father?
Jesus was with God in the beginning and will continue to be with Him forever.
The right hand of God is the highest exalted position God has given to Jesus in the personality of God the Son after accomplishing His purpose on this earth.
By sitting at the right of God, the enemies of Jesus have been placed at His footstool. 
The right hand of God is the place for exercising the ultimate authority over all things in heaven, on earth and under the earth.
Sitting at the right side of God is an affirmation that Jesus is equal in status with the Godhead.

If Jesus is God why did He ascend to heaven with His human body?
Because He will come back to this earth to judge the living and the dead at the end of the age.
He will return to this earth as the firstfruit of the dead to raise the bodies of those who died believing in Him to be like His.
The ascension of Jesus with His resurrected and immortal body also affirms that His incarnation was not temporarily.

The controversies about Jesus are symptoms of unbelief, doubts, deception, ignorance, pride and ego.
It is only in the light of Jesus that the controversies about Him can be deflated, dissolved or resolved.
The word of God has answers to every human controversy or question about Jesus.
Darkness cannot overcome darkness; only light can do that.
The entrance of God’s word gives light which is able to overcome every darkness.

Jesus is not controversial.
He is rather the only answer to every human controversy, puzzle, qualm and problem.
He is the only Creator and Sustainer of all creation, both visible and invisible.
He is the Bread of Life and the Good Shepherd.
He is the only Saviour of the world and the only source of eternal life.
He is the only answer to eternal death and damnation.

His name, Jesus, is superior to all names in heaven, on earth and under the earth.
At the name of Jesus every knee bows and every tongue acknowledges that Jesus Chris is Lord.
I invite you to receive Jesus Christ into your life as your Lord and Saviour if you do not know Him.

Richard Obeng Mensah, author Wisdom Thoughts. The writer is an award-winning prolific author of 8 books and over 250 articles on legal and non-legal themes. He is also a pastor, lawyer, law lecturer, certified life and leadership coach,  and a blogger.

Mobile: +233 (0)246 556 774.

Publication History
Authored on 13/01/2024 and published on 18/01/2024 on the author’s blog and other social media platforms.


The author acknowledges with appreciation the critique and valuable comments of his Editorial Team to this write-up.

Tuesday, 9 January 2024



Africa is full of actual trees.

It is also full of several golden trees.

These golden trees are in the form of oil, minerals and other natural resources including water bodies.

These natural resources are God-given for the benefit of all people.

The golden trees in Africa are for the good of humanity.

They are for the good of Africans and humankind at large.

The fruits of a good tree are expected to be enjoyed by all members of a community or nation. 

Like the streets of gold in Heaven, the fruits of golden trees serve as good roads for members of the public.

Branches of golden trees are expected to provide shade for many people.

When the fruits and branches of golden trees are captured by political parties, their cronies or selfish leaders; wanton waste and underdevelopment are inevitable.

Such greedy capture also leads to devaluation, pollution and destruction of such golden trees.

Many African river bodies are losing their natural state because of greed and selfishness.

Many golden trees in Africa are being reduced to prices of firewood because of greed and wickedness.

State capture is more dangerous and treasonable than a global pandemic because it silently kills many people and sabotages the destinies of many generations. 

There are many Gardens of Edens in Africa which are full of golden trees.

These Gardens of Eden consist of countries in Africa.

Like Adam and Eve, all Africans have the divine mandate to keep and till such gardens.

Let Africans arise and safeguard their gardens that are full of golden trees.

Let the youth arise and safeguard their God-given golden trees and gardens to avert their destruction and depletion.

Let Africans arise by condemning, challenging and confronting state capture, greediness and selfishness that are embezzling and devouring the golden trees in their gardens.

Let’s stop running to the West, global north or elsewhere and focus on securing our golden trees and gardens through lawful means and legitimate actions.

Richard Obeng Mensah, author of If You Think of Your Opposition You Lose Your Position. The writer is an award-winning prolific author of 8 books and over 250 articles on legal and non-legal themes. He is also a pastor, lawyer, law lecturer, certified life and leadership coach and a blogger.


Mobile: +233 (0)246 556 774.

Publication History

Authored on 06/01/2024 and published on 09/01/2024 on the author’s blog and other social media platforms.


The author appreciates the critiques and valuable comments of his Editorial Team on this write-up.

Tuesday, 2 January 2024



Yes, it is the system of government where the majority rules without suffocating the genuine and reasonable interests of minority groups.

Yes, it is a system of government which depends on the will of the people.

Yes, democracy is the government of the people, by the people and for the people.

Yes, its chief aim is to truly secure the reasonable interests and welfare of the people.

Yes, democracy has contributed to stable governance, fundamental human rights and the general well-being of humankind.

Yes, democratic governments are averagely better than authoritarian regimes, totalitarian regimes, oligarchy, communism, monarchism, colonialism and aristocracy.

But why is democracy sometimes so mean, heartless, wicked, selfish and full of confusion in Africa?

Why does democracy appear to be the dictates of the so-called powerful people and the so-called developed nations to the detriment of Africa?

Why should democracy be reduced to senseless geopolitics and be used by selected dictators as a weapon to veto decisions that auger the larger populace on the global stage without taking into consideration the interests of Africa?

Why has democracy become a tool for promoting obvious foolishness and insanity on the global stage and forcing them down the throats of Africans?

Why does democracy sometimes put on the clothes of awful discrimination, dictatorship, arbitrariness, greediness, wastefulness, and unfruitfulness in Africa?

Why have some so-called democratic governments in Africa become safe havens for dishonest idiots, professional liars, corrupt and dishonourable officials, and wicked people?

Why does democracy in Africa sometimes reduce the electorates and the populace to pitiable servants and sorrowful slaves?

Why does democracy in Africa sometimes allow some executive arms of government to bully, control, or silence its counterparts like the legislature, judiciary, media and other relevant players?

Is democracy not losing its salt in Africa?

Are the lights of democracy not dimming in Africa?

Is democracy not becoming unreasonably expensive and being replaced by moneytocracy in Africa?

Is democracy not becoming a cycle of mere periodic elections and endurance of pathetic and bad governments in Africa?

Is democracy not becoming synonymous with arbitrariness, kangerolism,  juntalism,  junglelism, richtocracy, and greedy and populace partisanships? 

Is democracy not more and more looking like a white elephant in Africa?

Democracy must be seen to be more than periodic elections in Africa.

It must in reality be made to be bigger and stronger than political parties and their cronies.

It must truly be manifested as the government by the people, of the people,  for the people, and truly with the people.

Democracy must be more reasonable, sincere, honest, relevant, profitable and fruitful in Africa.

Democracy in Africa must sit up!

It must truly be up and doing without pretence and sheer partisanship.

Let the citizenry and electorates in Africa arise and accord true meaning to democracy.

Oh, Lord! Help the failing and failed democracies in Africa.

Richard Obeng Mensah, author 'If You Think of Your Opposition You Lose Your Position'. The writer is an award-winning prolific author of 8 books and over 250 articles on legal and non-legal themes. He is also a pastor, lawyer, law lecturer, certified life and leadership coach, advocate and blogger.


Mobile: +233 (0) 246 556 774.

Publication History

Authored on 30/12/2023 and published on 02/01/2024 on the author’s blog and other social media platforms. The author appreciates the critiques of the members of his Editorial Team on this write-up.

Monday, 15 March 2021





My name is Mother Ghana

I celebrated my 64th Independence Anniversary on 6th March 2021

Because of Covid-19, the celebration was not accompanied with the usual fanfare

But it was a great opportunity for my sons and daughters to truly pause and reflect

They need to reflect on their attitudes - especially their blind loyalty to political parties, insincerity, corrupt mindset and lack of patriotism; and amend their ways.


My 64th Independence Anniversary was preceded by sadden news

I was sad after reading a letter dated 3rd March 2021 from the Office of the President

The said letter took the view that Mr. Daniel Yaw Domelevo has formally left office as the Auditor-General of Ghana based on some records and documents made available to the Office of the President by the Audit Service

Consequently, the President formally retired Mr. Domelevo based on his views.


Mr. President when and how did Mr Domelevo formally leave office?

What then is the essence of your letter retiring him from office?

Please why did your office compel Mr. Domelevo to go for the contentious accumulated leave of 167 working days from 1st July 2020 if he had ‘formally left office’ as at 1st June 2020?

Please why didn’t you give Mr. Domelevo opportunity to be heard on the allegations made against him as you sought to do for persons who were cited for wrongdoing by the former Special Prosecutor in the controversial Agyapa Royalties deal?

Please don’t you think your decision to retire Mr. Domelevo from office barely a day after he returned to his post after faithfully serving his purported 167 accumulated leave was an embarrassment to him?

Please don’t you think your decision and its antecedents are disincentive to the spirit of patriotism, the fight against corruption, and good governance?

I would be grateful if you could please give my foregoing rhetorical questions pensive reflections.


Richard Obeng Mensah, author of Wisdom Thoughts. The writer is an award-winning author of 7 books and over 250 articles.  He is also a certified life and leadership coach, a lawyer, a law lecturer, a doctoral researcher and a blogger.  Blog:    Email: © 15 March 2021.